Hugo is a 12 years old boy who fixes and builds machines, sort of like an engineer. He fixes clocks, mechanical toys, his atomoton and many more mechanical objects. Hugo is an orphan, his father died from a fire that broke out in the museum he was working in. After his father died, Hugo's uncle was responsible for him and took care of him. His uncle took care of him for only a short while then one day left and never returned again, so Hugo now lived alone in the clock tower in the train station. Important facts to his role is that he fixes things all the time, mechanical things and even personal problems that occur in other peoples life. His uncle taught him everything he knows about running the clocks in the train station, so after he left he knew what to do and how to run the clocks properly. Also all this time Hugo has been also working on the atomoton his father brang home from the museum, he has been trying to find the missing parts of the atomoton and often tried to steal parts from the toy booth in the train station in order to fix it.
First what I think "broken machine" means is when you have lost something in your life you really love. Hugo is broken because the only person he loved at that time at his life was dead and after his uncle left he had no relatives or friends to take care of him and no one with him so he lived alone in the train station clock. He was also broken when Papa George took his notebook and didn't give it back to him because he was stealing the toys from his toy booth. He was broken at that point because that notebook was very special to him cause it was his fathers and inside was his notes and drawings of the parts you need in order to fix the atomoton, also he really wanted it so he knew how to fix it and so we wasn't lonely but mainly because he thought it was some kind of message from his father to him. Hugo is a fixer because he fixes/builds mechanical machines. Also he "fixed" Papa Georges problem which was he