Ever since Venezuela gained independence, the country had many national problems, such as high poverty rates, and a wide social gap between the wealthy, minority European group, and the poor majority African and native decent Venezuelan citizens. The past 200 years, especially the last 20 years this country made many great leaps to address these social problems. Under the leadership of Hugo Chávez who took office in 1999, he led the country to become a more socialist and equal country (“Hugo Chávez”). The social gap between the rich and the poor narrowed and many social and cultural rights were given to its people. Although under Chávez’s leadership this country have made great leaps in …show more content…
When Venezuela gained independence those in the middle and upper class were white European decent. When majority were African and native American dencent, European decent were a minority huge disproportion of wealth. When Hugo Chavez was elected he was able to break free of foreign corporation oil control and took control of oil back. Used the money from the oil and used to reduce poverty. Cut poverty from 48.6 in 2002 to 29.8 in 2011 and extreme poverty by 70%. He built public schools, house, expanded public health care and done a lot for those on the bottom. He provided people who were living in terrible conditions the right to life, liberty and security of person. That leaders before him didn’t. Sure it is legitimate to protest against the rise in crime, government corruption and high inflation rates, but these are issues that shouldn’t be leading to violence and disruption of …show more content…
And as the mindset of most former-colonizing countries they want to control that resource… especiallyt eh US. The is known US spends $5 million every year through the National Endowment for Democracy, goal is not really for democracy, to student and right-wing groups that call for overthrow of government. US probably doing this due to Venezuela being allies with US enemies and has control over the oil…. (Fucking shady) US There are some legitimacy when Venezuelan government denounced US for being part of and anti-government protesting. Seems like what ever US is doing they are not helping the Venezuelan people obtain more of their rights, more like helping the wealthy minority keep their rights and push the poor back to where they