In my opinion, the best method that the company would use is the straight line method. Salvage value seems to be very important for a small business. It doesn’t seems to be the best interest of the company to subtract value from an asset. When using the straight line method the total depreciation is taken into account. A small business should have the ability to take full value of assets over the years. As business grows the full value would look better on the balance sheet. Most small businesses do not have the finances to hire full time accountants. The use of the straight line method seems to be an accurate and simple method.…
1. Q) What sections of the CPT will commonly be used when coding for cardiovascular services?…
On October 1, 2014, a 56 year old man, Mr. Brown, came in for his follow-up appointment to talk about his cholesterol panel. Mr. Brown’s cholesterol levels are not within healthy standards and he needs to change his life style before his health diminishes. Mr. Brown likes to eat and hates to exercise. I am going to show him his cholesterol levels so that he can see what he is doing to his body. If he does not get his cholesterol levels where they need to be his arteries might get so clogged up that he could have a heart attack or stroke. He needs to do some preventive medicine on his own with a little help from me and my staff.…
Sociotechnical systems theory was created by researchers in human relations in the early 1950s. They found the two were important and needed for the effectiveness of businesses could reach higher potential when they focused on having the internal workplace and the external of the business (the customers) all uniform. Sociotechnical systems theory is when organizations are effective. This is broken down into two parts: social and technical. The employees make sure they follow orders correctly are the social part. The technical part is having right training knowledge and tools so the business can be productive and effective in making sure the customers are happy and return consistently. Social technical systems theory was started being used by Japanese companies which integrated technical systems and management to achieve high performance. Large U.S. automakers like Ford and Chrysler also started to look this way. They wanted to understand how the Japanese were applying these tactics to make their business and their products achieves.…
The archive deadline for Q3 is this Saturday, Dec. 10th. Please refer to the archive tracker, named “ACB Q3 Archive Tracker.xlsx” for any comments, highlights, or notes within the documentation. Also, please check the “Review_Notes_Report.xlsx” to check for any review notes that need to be cleared or closed out. Both files can be found in temporary files in the Archive Engagement task by following the link below.…
These procedures are put in place to ensure that the clients are not hurt in any way,or treated unfairly.This could include the client been discriminated against, neglected or taken advantage of in a number of ways.…
You are the news director of a local television station. The city council has just voted to close city parks 3 days a week to save money. Meanwhile, a major celebrity has died. The park story has greater effect on your viewers, but the celebrity death will get bigger ratings? Which do you make your lead story and why?…
Incorrect Why do sensuous form, vibrant color, a profusion of ornament, and rich texture dominate Indian art?…
There are several roles within the health information management (HIM) profession. A HIM professional gathers, preserves, evaluates and guard’s personal health information within many different health care settings. One of the most important duties in regards to a HIM professional is ensuring compliance and upholding the current regulations in the health care industry. This paper will take a closer look at the specifics of what a HIM professional does to ensure compliance as well as the importance of education and certifications that many employers are now requiring for potential candidates in the HIM field.…
The biggest breaking story I chose was about the Afghans heading to the polls to vote amid the threats of insurgent attacks. On the CNN website, it seemed like the story was less detailed and descriptive than the other sites. Even though it covered the situation in Afghanistan, the information was delivered in a more passive way than FOXNews and MSNBC, almost as if it was a more opinion-based article. I noticed also that some of the key points that were covered on the CNN site were also covered in the other sites. Information on how many candidates were competing for election and how many seats were available in parliament seemed to be a point that all of the sites included. One main difference in the information that CNN covered, compared to the other sites, was it didn’t discuss or report anything about deaths during the election process. While news of different attacks were covered, like a roadside bomb blowing out the glass of a governor’s vehicle for example, reporting that there were no injuries quickly followed. There weren’t many links included on the page that related to the story. However, the one link that was there was a video that helped reinforce what the article covered. Other related links lead to topics on Afghanistan and the Afghanistan war. The commentaries on the CNN article were different because they described different accounts of what happened. Some discussed people were still going to the polls to vote while others came from candidates in the election.…
We are all aware of the illnesses that are developing in our community. Obviously, this is not genetic because it is attacking various members of our community and has done personal research to link the illnesses to our surrounding environment. I have found information in which the community should be aware. After extensive research, I have discovered the symptoms are because of the gas company not following proper procedures while digging in our community. I have spent several months coming to the solution and connecting the problem to the gas company. I first expecting it was something in the water because it seems to be affecting more people in neighborhoods closer to the drilling sites. I am afraid to inform everyone that it will be in all our drinking water before soon.…
My view on the subject of looking for more oil by drilling in places that have not been checked before is it is unnecessary. If the companies that put such effort toward blocking attempts to phase in more alternative sources for power put the effort into developing these alternatives sources the world would be much healthier. The oil industry is one of the richest and most powerful industries in the world today and this industry is fighting against the change to cleaner and more environmentally safe energy alternatives. The reason for the oil industry to resist this change is pure greed. The industry stands to lose a great deal of money if the United States government phases out the use of fossil fuels.…
While reading Chapter 2 on The Role of Government in Policy Making, I noticed that in the text it stated that “all fields of practice are affected by the social and organizational policy made by judicial decisions.” (Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel. Published by Allyn and Bacon pg.35). The YWCA provides women and children with several different services. It is vital that the organization is careful of what they are doing with their clients and observe the policies for these social programs. The judicial branch of the government has a lot of power over these social programs and can completely discontinue the program under certain circumstances. This is done in order to keep the organization consistent with court orders. “The judicial branch restricts or expands the power of government administrators and officials so that they are consistent with past court decisions, with governmental principles, and (sometimes) with the fundamental constitutional rights of citizens.” (Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel. Published by Allyn and Bacon). The laws that are put in place for this organization or organizations similar to the YWCA can influence the decision making and its day to day operations by a simple change in law. A change in law could mean that the requirements have been altered or changed and in order to service their clients properly, there are guidelines that need to be met. “The judiciary both creates anew and reshapes old social policy. (Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel. Published by Allyn and Bacon). I found that the YWCA has to only engage in activities related to its mission or purpose. “The Association may not engage in any activities that do not further the Mission or its purposes as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws.” ( Some of the laws read were very particular about the dos and don’ts of the organization. The information read shows that these laws…
I think that the person using information should look at more than just the homepage. To find out if the website is credible or not. By doing this he/she could find out if the author is bias and offer his/her own views.…
Share information, ask and reply to questions, keep up to date of any changes, feedback, build team work, be professional, makes a better atmosphere, better customer service and may prevent mistakes.…