Many of us are aware of the risks of lead - based paint in older homes, gas leaks, contaminated water and all other chemicals with their contaminating affects on our health and our family’ s health and safety. Less known is just how close these contaminates can be hiding - even in our own backyard.
I am a very happy resident living the American Dream in the Country Place suburban community located in Old Bridge, NJ. We have always considered this neighborhood to be a wonderful & safe place to dwell. We are a good distance off the main road and not located near any big factories that could cause us any harm. It was only until recently that we became concerned for our children and the people of the community. In the last year, there have been many residents who have been suffering from similar yet mysterious symptoms, all living in the Country Place. What’s even more intriguing about how closely related these cases are is the distance - all of them live on the same street behind the ball field. At first I asked myself if it could be a coincidence? Then I asked myself if it could somehow be genetic? I decided to take a deeper look into each case to see if there could be a connection with contamination. In researching the symptoms at each victim’s house, the same symptoms were recorded: severe headaches, dizziness, extreme fatigue, rashes, lumps, severe joint pain, tremors, hair loss and muscle spasms. All of the victims had been seen by doctors and treated with antibiotics while doctors stated that they “weren’t able to diagnose” any of them. As I collected all of the information from investigating each victim, I realized that all of the symptoms seemed to fit the symptoms of exposure to contaminated water. This then sparked my interest in researching the history of our neighborhood plot and what stood there prior to it becoming the Country Place. I found it very intriguing to see that where the baseball field sits now was