Princess Anne, Maryland
BIOLOGY 231 – Section 0201
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Fall 2013
LECTURE: Mon, Wed & Fri 10:00 a.m-10:50a.m
LOCATION: Hazel Hall Rm 1015
OFFICE: 1104 Carver Hall
This course is designed to meet the needs of students preparing for the allied health professions as well as those majoring in related areas. This course does NOT count as a program elective for students majoring in Biology.
Eligibility for Biology 231 requires a passing grade in Biology 111 or 188. If you received a grade of “D” in these course(s) you probably have not mastered the material to the desired extent. If you have not successfully completed the first semester of this course, at UMES or at another institution, your registration in this course will be cancelled. In addition, one year of college level chemistry would be most helpful in providing the expected entry-level competency in areas dealing with a) cell and organ function, b) atomic structure, acids, bases, electrolytes and organic molecules and c) proper use and handling of simple laboratory apparatus.
Due to limited space, students must only attend registered Biol231 section
Course Materials:
Each student is expected to provide him/herself with the following materials contained in the package available in the UMES bookstore:
1) The text: Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology ninth edition by Martini, Nath and Bartholomew. The resource package for the course may be available which includes the text, the study guide and flash cards that we help you to master the subject matter and prepare for exams. The Interactive Physiology CD ROM can be found inside the back cover of your textbook.
2) The laboratory manual is: Laboratory manual for Anatomy & Physiology – by Michael G. Wood
3) A student dissecting kit.
General Course Objectives: