D) The epiglottis closes. E) The rib cage expands. 3. A person with a tidal volume of 450 mL, a vital capacity of 4,000 mL, and a residual volume of 1,000 mL would have a potential total lung capacity of A) 1,450 mL. D) 5,000 mL. B) 4,000 mL. E) 5,450 mL. C) 4,450 mL. 300-Organisms in water use countercurrent exchange for gas diffusion. A. How does this work? Blood flows in the opposite direction to water passing over the gills, blood is always less saturated with O2 than the water it meets (remember higher partial pressure to lower partial pressure!). Gills have several outfoldings to increase surface area and exchange B. Why do organisms living in water need to do this? The water medium has inherently lower concentrations of oxygen and higher viscosity of air so countercurrent exchange helps to facilitate diffusion 400-1. The blood level of which gas is most important in controlling human respiration rate? A) nitric acid D) carbon dioxide B) nitrogen E) carbon monoxide C) oxygen 2. Blood carbon dioxide levels determine the pH of other body fluids as well as blood, including the pH of cerebrospinal fluid. How does this enable the organism to control breathing? A) The brain directly…
Complete the following statement using the choices below. Air moves out of the lungs when the pressure inside the lungs is…
Lined with hair, cilia, and goblet cells that make up mucus and filters the air from air-dust, pollen and foreign materials.…
The trachea is lined by cartilage and divided into two branches, called the bronchi, which enter the left and right lungs. It is composed with pseudostratified columnar epithelium. The trachea is the windpipe which conditions – warms, moistens, and removes particles – of the air inhaled.…
f. What is the blood that is coming from the heart dropping off at the alveoli?…
2. What is the entire process of gas exchange between atmosphere and body cells called? The entire process of exchanging gases between the atmosphere and body cells is called respiration.…
The purpose of this experiment is to design and conduct a basic scientific experiment, identify and control variables. Some other objectives that we learned is to write a formal hypothesis, identify the basic and integrated process skills of science that were used in this experiment. Also, we will learned the effects of temperature on goldfish respiration. This experiment will be conducted with four students , one goldfish, thermometer, a stop watch, and a beaker. Our results showed that the fish temperature increased and the fish breathing slowed down.…
You have designed a very functional gadget that you know many individuals will probably be interested…
To measure the respiratory rate of both experimental and control goldfish, the following materials were needed:…
Fish, being an aquatic animal, has a respiratory system that is different from animals that live on land. It is capable of breathing underwater, without coming up for oxygen. Fish are able to breathe underwater due to a breathing organ known as gills; which is made up of thin feathery sheets of tissue membrane containing many blood vessels through which oxygen passes allowing fish to breathe (Edmonson 2006). Fish breathe by the process of water in its surroundings entering its mouth. Water enters its mouth by a very effective pumping system that involves the mouth and outer flexible bony flap that cover the gills called the operculum. When temperature changes, a fish breathing rate may…
7.|These are triangular pieces of mostly hyaline cartilage located at the posterior and superior border of the cricoid cartilage.|…
Indicate wash hands and dons PPE as indicated prior to exams Introduces self as IDMT student Inspect head/hair/scalp Palpate head/hair/scalp…
1. LOCATION: Inpatient, Hospital PATIENT: Margaret Hill ATTENDING PHYSICIAN: Ronald Green, MD SURGEON: Gary Sanchez, MD PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy INDICATION: Mrs. Hill has been having RUQ pain with nausea and vomiting and diarrhea. The patient was found to have chronic cholecystitis with cholelithiasis and she was taken to the operating room. PROCEDURE: The patient received Ancef 1 gram intravenously preoperatively. She was prepped and draped in the usual manner. An infra umbilical incision was made; the abdomen was entered under direct vision. Two stay sutures of 0 Vicryl were placed on either side of the incision. The Hasson sheath was then inserted. The abdomen was then inflated with CO2 gas. Three additional ports were then placed. The hilum of the gallbladder was then dissected free. The cystic duct and cystic arteries were identified. The cystic duct was clipped with three white clips and divided. The cystic arteries were clipped with three white clips and divided. There was another small branch of the artery encountered up on the gallbladder bed. This was also clipped with three white clips and divided. The gallbladder was then dissected free from the gallbladder bed using hook cautery. The specimen was placed in a bag and brought out through a lateral port. The lateral port fascia was approximated with 0 Vicryl sutures. The operative area was thoroughly irrigated and the incisions were then closed with 3-0 Vicryl sutures for the subcutaneous tissues and a 4-0 Vicryl subcuticular stitch for the skin. Steri-Strips were applied. Incisions were then injected with 0.5% Marcaine with Epinephrine. The patient tolerated the operation and returned to Recovery in stable condition. Identify the correct diagnosis (ICD-9-CM) code(s) for the inpatient hospital visit for patient Margaret Hill: ICD-9-CM: __________ 2.…
Humans are omnivores, meaning they eat both meat and herbaceous foods. The Bluefin tuna has Carnivore Piscivore diet, which means they feed on marine invertebrates. In comparison to humans the Bluefin Tuna has a simpler digestive system, whereas the human digestive system is more complex. There are certain added organs in the human digestive system that are absent in the Bluefin tuna. These are organs such as: the pancreas, append and the tongue. A similarity is the fact that metabolism in humans works the same in the Bluefin tuna, the processes both convert the food taken in into energy for maintenance and growth of body parts and systems.…
8. During exercise, the depth of respiration increases Name the muscles involved in increasing the depth of respiration and explain how muscle contraction causes this increase.…