Human Behavior in Organizations
Spring 2013
Instructor: Alix Valenti, Ph.D. Phone: 281-283-3159 Associate Professor of Management Fax: 281-283-3951 and Legal Studies E-Mail:
Office: 3321-16, Bayou Building
Class: 1217, Bayou Building
Office Hrs: Tuesday and Wednesday, 1-4, and by appointment
Textbooks/Required Materials:
Behavior in Organizations, 10th ed. Jerald Greenberg. Pearson/Prentice Hall (2011). ISBN 0-13-609019-2 or 978-0-13-609019-9 See the last page of the syllabus for how you can purchase the text as an ebook.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. To develop an understanding of management functions and principles 2. To develop an understanding of basic behavioral theory and its application to contemporary organizations 3. To illustrate an understanding of basic behavioral techniques and their use in the world of management 4. To develop the conceptual and analytical frameworks necessary to become a diagnostician of organizational systems, structures, and processes 5. To demonstrate critical thinking skills through analysis of a case study to management and organizational behavior 6. To illustrate managerial and professional abilities through application of concepts and theories by active participation in class discussions, cases, and exercises 7. To demonstrate awareness of personal traits, needs, styles, and preferences through the use of assessment instruments and methods resulting in a personal portfolio 8. To apply team based skills through the use of peer assessment and feedback
Instructional Methodology
The course is broking into four areas, planning, directing, organizing and controlling, the four main functions of managers. Under each area, students will be asked to engage in various activities within and across course modules, which are the rational groupings (i.e., sections) of course content.