Critically evaluate the link between personality development and culture
(Van Harmelen 2006) has shown that tendency to personal electronic education was due to the great need for life continuing education that was a result of the technological progressive advancement in society as well as due to market change. These factors have pushed individuals acquiring more knowledge and elevating their skill standard. This enables them to stand at the cut edge in this profession and form strong networks with others.
Since early times, there were huge differences between desert people and people living in fertile lands and villagers – living in river valleys, each environment has its own impact on people living there. The villager grew up in his stable secure green environment and has become saturated with love to goodness, right, beauty and satisfaction. He realised the importance of discipline and central government to regulate and manage the relationship between him and others in neighbouring villages due to his crucial need to find a fair way to distribute irrigation water among all farmers.
Being in that environment, the farmer lived with peace and security. He devoted himself for cultivating his land. In his spare time he started to think about the universe, its secrets and phenomenon and its creator. He noticed that plants die in specific times in the year and grow in other different seasons. He reached the conclusion of resurrection after death. Along the time, he became a great innovator and built a great lasting civilisation due to his residential stability and being in close relation to the place. This has solidified in his consciousness a great source of belonging to land and nature.
On the other side, the Bedouin grew up in harsh and poor environment does not feel stability there . He is in a continuous mode of travelling. He has to pull out his tent each time the water and grass dry out searching for another place with plenty of resources. The Bedouin never knew settling down and consequently does not experience any sense of belonging to the land but belongs to his tribe. His soul became fully aggressive. He is in endless fight with the hard environment and other tribes. A lot of raids among tribes were dominant in their life causing plenty of killings and tortures for grass and water resources. The Bedouins considered these non-human actions not only as very normal issues but also as necessity for daily life routine and physical exercises.
These differences between the inheritance of desert land and the agricultural environment reflects some differences in personality. The villagers have peaceful, tamed and submissive personality. When they were ruled fairly they live happy life but when oppressed they have lasting patient till aggression goes away. Uprising was an exceptional in this history, on the contrary of that, the hard hearted aggressive people never submitted through their history to an authority except for the tribe leader, his authority is a fatherhood characterised and regulated with their culture.
It has meant by the custodian environment the place where human beings grows up in and lived all aspects of his life in, it is not limited to only a place but by the type of environment which characterises this place from others. This environment includes characteristics of people and generally humans and natural conditions.
The importance of the environment with its comprehensive meaning lies in its direct as well indirect influences in the personality development and then the society as a whole. There are different types of environment affecting the human life and shaping his personality. So since early days of civilisation man strive trying hard to control the environment for matching his needs, situations and prospects.
It is very hard if not impossible for a man to live alone, so he has to understand what is going on around himself. As he is struggling all surrounding him from natural phenomena to understanding, benefiting and avoiding its disaster, he must understand all human around himself to get any goodness out of them and avoid any evil. Everyone is in meed to understand others in order to achieve a proper way in order of dealing of either on personal or project scale.
Culture is considered one of the most factors forming the nature of the child’s behaviour and attitudes in dealing with people and thongs around him. The style of the dominant culture in school and in family suburb affects the formation of child personality from intellectual skills, emotional and social sides.
Family has a great role in child life especially in his first years as it represents his universe. It has great impact on the development of his personality and growth. This influence is clear by the physical and moral direct contact between the mother and child; she looks after him and fulfil his needs. By the same way the role of his father and siblings directs his raising up and social and personality development.
Personality of parents, position of child in family among brother and sisters, the socioeconomic status of the father and family ties are very important factors characterising his personality traits in early years in his life.
Family communicates values and standards and reactions to different social issues and morals to the child. Beside what is lawful and what is not the personality of the child and his loyalty to the family is formed. Family is the main organisation in conveying the social heritage. The process is not fulfilling his needs physically rather than developing his character and building loyalty and a sense of belonging.
Negative changes in family sometime causes conflict in the roles of family members reflecting severely on the upbringing separation or distinguishes (differently) between males and females and what resulting from unfair treatment as a consequence of that, have a strong effect in directing child behaviour. Also the socioeconomic status of the family has its negative contribution in fulfilling child’s needs.