Just recently in Virginia, there was a public outcry against mandatory micro-chipping that caused the House of Representatives to vote on the subject matter. Krunkle , (2010) wrote, Del. Mark L. Cole (R-Fredericksburg), the bill 's sponsor, is quoted saying "My understanding -- I 'm not a theologian -- but there 's a prophecy in the Bible that says you 'll have to receive a mark, or you can neither buy nor sell things in end times," Cole said. "Some people think these computer chips might be that mark."(p.1) In our society, religion is at times, a very controversial and touchy subject matter between religious communities. There will be millions of people who will become distraught if human chip implants become mandatory. Our country has so many different religious cultures that it would directly effect. Are we really ready for the consequences that will follow if this eventually
Just recently in Virginia, there was a public outcry against mandatory micro-chipping that caused the House of Representatives to vote on the subject matter. Krunkle , (2010) wrote, Del. Mark L. Cole (R-Fredericksburg), the bill 's sponsor, is quoted saying "My understanding -- I 'm not a theologian -- but there 's a prophecy in the Bible that says you 'll have to receive a mark, or you can neither buy nor sell things in end times," Cole said. "Some people think these computer chips might be that mark."(p.1) In our society, religion is at times, a very controversial and touchy subject matter between religious communities. There will be millions of people who will become distraught if human chip implants become mandatory. Our country has so many different religious cultures that it would directly effect. Are we really ready for the consequences that will follow if this eventually