Dorothy Rodwell
November 24, 2014
Jaime Barr
Human growth and development starts from the moment a child is conceived and continues until the day the individual dies. There are many different stages of development, all depending on the person’s beliefs on how we develop. All theories explain a specific growth and development for a specific time for an individual starting from birth to the time of their death. Not all the theories are agreed on because they are based on different individuals along with findings, and the time that the theory was developed.
In this paper we will break down three of them. The first one is the infancy part of life and how Erik Erikson viewed the development. The second stage of development we will look at is called the phallic stage of Sigmund Freud’s six stages of development. The last stage we will look at is the intimacy versus isolation this is stage six of eight from Erik Erikson.
“Some aspects of infant development seem automatic.” (Berger, 2010, pp. 86) The first period of development is in the infancy part of life typically this is from zero to one year of age. Erik Erikson called this stage trust vs. mistrust. This is the stage when humans are 100% dependent on their care givers. If the child receives the care that they need they will develop a sense of hope and caring about the world. On the other hand if the caregiver shows the child inconsistency in the care that they provide then it can lead to mistrust. The care giver needs to give the child a balance in giving them too much time or too much neglect. Erickson “suggests that optimal psychological health is reached when a “favorable ratio” between poles is reached. (“ Eriksonian lifespan theory and life history theory: An integration using the example of identity formation.,” 2009, para. 3). While too much “favorable ratio” can lead to someone becoming too trust worthy. This period of human development is the start of our
References: Berger, K.S. (2010). Invitation to the Life Span (2nd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Eriksonian lifespan theory and life history theory: An integration using the example of identity formation.. (2009, March). Review of General Psychology, 13(1), 13-23. . Garcia, J.L. (1995, June/May). FREUD 'S PSYCHOSEXUAL STAGE CONCEPTION: DEVELOPMENTAL METAPHOR FOR COUNSELORS . MasterFILE Premier, 73(5), 5. Sexual Compulsivity, Promiscuity and Phallic Stage of Psychosexual Development Fixation. . (2012). HealthMed, 6(5), 10. Orlofsky, J. L., Marcia, J.E., & Lesser, I.M. (1973, August). EGO IDENTITY STATUS AND THE INTIMACY VERSUS ISOLATION CRISIS OF YOUNG ADULTHOOD.. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 27(2), 211-219.