Last term the Biology and Geography class went to Hastings Point, New South Wales to visit three ecosystems found in the area, such as- mangroves, sand dunes and rocky shores. Hasting Points is the smallest coastal settlement of Tweed Shire. The hamlet is nestled between the ocean on its east and a delicate estuary on its west. This report will focus on the unique coastal habitats of Hasting Points and the various issues that challenge the sustainability of mangroves surrounding Lot 156, this report also evaluates whether building a Mangrove Rehabilitation Program or EnviroHomes will be suitable for this area.
2.0 Data Collection Methods
While at Hasting Point, the class was assigned tasks to collect data and fill out a booklet. Our tasks were to study the rocky shore and record the substrate, the type and number of organisms. We learned about the mangroves and studied the different levels in sand dunes. We had different methods such as Primary and Secondary Methods.
2.1 Primary Collection Methods
- Thermometer
- Quadrats
- Anemometer
2.2 Secondary Collection Methods
- Information Sheets
- Identification Booklets 3.0 Findings An ecosystem is a community of living organisms joined with the non-living components of their environment interacting as a system. Mangroves, Rocky Shores and Sand Dunes may be seen as three independent parts of the ecosystem but if one is disturbed then it affects the other parts of the cycle. There are many examples of ecosystems such as a pond, forest, an estuary, grassland and many more. Hastings Point is an estuary that is continuously threatened by development.
3.1 Mangroves
Mangroves are trees and/or shrubs that grow in coastal areas between sea and land. They are seen as plant communities, they only grow in areas protected from strong wave action. Mangrove trees trap slit and other material that is washed out of creeks and causes the accumulation of deep, water logged mud.
References: 1. 2. 3. 2013 Biology Camp Booklet