In the first place, we start at the most nonsensical region of the book the end. The ending which is layered through its own cryptic message is relayed best through this line “(use a line of a naval officer talking about how can British boys be doing this)”. Now that was a naval officer that has found the boys on the island. Now you might ask at this point what does this has to with anything? Well, an inquisitive voice in my head you’ll be happy to know there is a point to all this. What Golding is trying to point out with this line is exactly the point, that even the most “civilized” of children can end up uncivilized. If we go back to the beginning of the story with Jack. “(page 19)” now these sound like civilized boy ones who fall …show more content…
That society is the hope the Golding is presenting us with. Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher and the author of the famous book Leviathan. In Leviathan he stated, “which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; And the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” Hobbes comes in with the same idea the “natural” man is brutish and that it’s civilization that comes and saves the individual. The same with Golding who again at the end of the book comes to save the boys a British Naval Officer who in himself represent society’s coddling of humans more brutal nature or the