It connects with the peripheral nervous system and the brain. The spinal cord s considered as an extension of the brain. It transmits information from the body to brain and from the brain to the body. An example of the spinal reflex is touching hot objects. The sequence begins with a sensory stimulus (hot object) and ends with a behavioral response (withdrawing the hand) involves sensory, interneurons, and motor neurons, as stated by Lilenfield, S., Lynn, S., Namy, L., & Woolf, N. (2009). The structures of the brain consists of the hindbrain (regulates
physiological functions), the midbrain (both physiological functions of the hindbrain to cognitive functions of the forebrain), and the forebrain (the cognitive and motor functions of brain are carried out). How did we know about the human nervous system? How do we observe the activity of our brain? What techniques do we use? According to the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, researchers use electroencephalogram (ECG) to detect the electrical activity in different areas of the brain. The first electroencephalogram was made by Hans Berger in 1924. Other imaging techniques researchers use to study the nervous system are CT scan (computerized axial tomography), MRI (positron- emission tomography), and functional MRI (fMRI). Brain-imaging techniques have helped neuroscientists accumulate