This depletion of rainforests is a real thing, which if not sustained certainly will cause changes so drastic that the rainforests are virtually unrecoverable. As discussed earlier the deforestation of rainforests has the ability to cause, damaged oxygen cycle, no food or resources, no medicinal herbs or plants causing unknown disaster, and no more resources to build houses for out constantly growing population, this will have devastating effects on our eco-system.…
-Many parts of the virgin tropical rainforests have been cleared either for lumbering or shifting cultivation. When these clearings are abandoned, less luxuriant secondary forests, called belukar in Malaysia, spring up.…
The truth of this though is that we as humans are trying to industrialize and develop the Amazon more and more every day for our own purposes. We are deforesting the forest; also known as deforestation. Since 1980 more than 580,000 square kilometers (224,000 square miles) of the Amazon forest has been destroyed due to deforestation. (Butler, “Deforestation in the Amazon”)…
According to the United Nations, at least 37.5 million acres of rainforest are lost each year – an area the size of Portugal. Tropical rainforest deforestation is now widely recognized as one of the most critical environmental problems facing the world today, with serious long-term consequences.…
And so many things fall down the tubes when the rainforests go. For one, rainforest deforestation is often cited as being a major cause of the greenhouse effect. It's because these old, majestic trees that are being destroyed can't create…
The Rainforest’s global impact is severe because of its incredible size. It has the potential to change the climate, including precipitation patters and air concentrations. If mankind wants to improve, or at least stop degrading the rainforest, we should ban logging and start to replant and rebuild the…
‘is it impossible for humans to use the rainforest as a resource without destroying it?’…
Rainforests are important as they are home to the most diverse biotic communities. Rainforests also help to prevent soil erosion, as nutrients that are stored in the vast number of trees and plants rather than in the soil. The biggest key factors of rainforests are that they help reduce the effects of worldwide climate change.…
It is said, that forests cover 31% of the land area on our planet (WWF). Reducing the number of trees and the surface area of a forest is called deforestation. Deforestation is one of the biggest problems in today’s economic system. There may be a lot of positives behind the idea of cutting down trees; however they are all outnumbered by the negatives. If one is not careful with the removal of a forest, it may lead to more deserted areas.…
Tropical rainforests are special geographical landscape around the world, which are covered with various species of plants and animals. The tropical rainforests are wet and hot. Mean monthly temperatures exceed 18 °C (64 °F) during all months of the year and average annual rainfall is no less than 168 cm. (Woodward, 1997)It is obvious very difficult and unsuitable for human to live in, although there are many advantageous conditions for the growth of plants and some animals. Here in Papua New Guinea live 7.5 million people, and the human presence on the island dates back at least 40,000 years.…
An estimated 13 million surface of forests were lost each year between 2000 and 2010 due to deforestation. In tropical rainforests particularly, deforestation continues to be an urgent environmental issue that jeopardizes people’s livelihoods, threatens species, and intensifies global warming. Forests make a vital contribution to humanity, but their full potential will only be realized if we halt…
Each year, the country's 7 million inhabitants burn the equivalent of 30 million trees--20 million more than the country grows annually. Forests have shrunk from covering 80 percent of Haiti's lands several hundred years ago, to only 3 percent today.…
“In an average year in a tropical rain forest, the climate is very humid because of all the rainfall, which amounts to about 250 cm per year” ("Discover The Rainforest ", 2011). The rain forest has large amounts of rain because it is very hot and wet. Tropical rainforests are defined by rainfall. They would not survive without it. Not all rain forests have tropical sunny weather. “Subtropical rainforests that lay outside of the tropics have seasonal changes in their weather there is a little difference between the warmest and the coolest months. The relative humidity is always high” ("Rainforest Climate",2001).…
The Rainforest Alliance was created because a very large amount of trees were being cut down and many animals were going extinct. The RA certified many, many forests, and even developed a adopt-a-rainforest program! They also helped create the FSC (forest stewardship council), made a coffee farm, grew really good cocoa, and just did a lot of things with food. The Rainforest Alliance has conserved trees and species and that has a positive effect on our environment. Trees and animals are in trouble, and we use a lot more products than we are aware of. When you don’t end up using a piece of paper and you just crumple it up and throw it away, that was a waste of supplies. Trees are used to make paper, pencils,…
In the past few decades, the Amazon rainforest has been in the spotlight of environmental debate—and rightfully so. The past 40 years of human destruction has resulted in a loss of about 20% of the rainforest. The Amazon is home to millions of unique plant and animal species that contribute to a vast majority of the Earth’s flourishing biodiversity. Methods of clear-cutting and burning for industrial, agricultural, and use for livestock, however, have left some areas of the Amazon in a state of barren wasteland.…