Successful worker’s training is dependent on the methods/strategies used in training. Using examples, state how different types of methods can contribute to the attainment of training objectives.
1.1 Introduction
In order to explain the different types of methods can contribute to the attainment of training objectives , is better to understand what is training.
Training is a short-term process utilizing a system and organized procedure by which non-managerial personnel learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose. Training is concerned with imparting and developing specific skills for a particular purpose. Training programs focuses more on preparation for improved performance in particular job. Most of trainees used to be from operative levels like mechanics, machines operators and other kind of skilled worked. When the problem of supervision increased, the steps were taken to train supervisors for better supervision; however, the emphasis was more on mechanical aspect. Training helps the employees to do their current job in a best way. Benefit of training may extend through out a person’s career and help develop that person for future responsibility. Training is also used to qualify people to perform in positions of greater difficult and responsibility.
The purpose of training is to bridge the gap between job requirements and present competence of an employee. The Organization facilitates the employees leaning through training so that their modified behavior contributes to the attainment of the Organization’s goals and objective therefore it is ongoing process.
According to Okumbe ( 2001 & Ghosh 2005) the objective of the training are to enable organization to increase productivity and the quality of service offered, to improve worker’s morale this means that to improve mental condition of an individual or group which determines the wiliness to cooperate.
Training will be understood as any learning activity which is
References: 1. Amstrong, M. (2006) Human Resource management, 10th Edition London: Kogan 2. Prasad, L.M (2006) Human Resource management, New Delhi, Sultan Chand and Sons 3. Gupta, CB (2008) Management Theory and Practice Revised edition, New Delhi, Sultan, Chand and Sons. 4. Cole G.A (2002), Personnel and Human Resource Management: 5th Edition London, Thomson Learning 5. Dessler G. (2008) Human resource management U.S.A. Person Education, Inc 6. Tyson, S. (2006) Essentials of Human Resource management, 5th Edition Oxford UK; Elsevier. 7. ( 8. Okumbe ( 2001 & Ghosh 2005)