* Historical perspective of Human Resource Management – From personnel management to Human Resources Management * Human Resource Management and Social Justice for Welfarism * Human Resource Management and Bureaucracy * Human Resource Management and Union-Negotiation * Human Resource Management and Organization * Human Resource Management Perspective
A) Historical perspective of Human Resource Management – From personnel management to Human Resources Management
Human resource management has changed in name various times throughout history. The name change was mainly due to the change in social and economic activities throughout history.
Torrington et al identify six main periods or ‘themes’ in the history of personnel management and its transition into contemporary HRM. Indeed, as Gennard and Kelly (1997, p31) have perceptively observed, delivery of the personnel/HR function has always been flexible and has adjusted its dominant values historically ‘as macro circumstances change’. Legge (1995, p xiv) argues, however, that the apparent overshadowing of personnel management by the distinctive HRM tradition lies in its function as ‘a rhetoric about how employees should be managed to achieve competitive advantage [rather] than as a coherent new practice’. Keenoy (1990) goes further in his critique of the new HRM, viewing it as ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothing’. For him, HRM is more rhetoric than reality and simply supports ideological shifts in the employment relationship, driven by market pressures
Torrington et al (2008) describe the first theme in the evolution of personnel management and HRM as ‘social justice’. This originated on a limited scale amongst a few enlightened employers in nineteenth-century Britain. These employers promoted a welfare approach to managing people by attempting to ameliorate working conditions and avoid adversarial industrial relations. Second, in the first half of the
References: Adeyeye, J. O. (2009). An Evaluation of HRM Practices in Nigerian Universities: The Impact of Size. The Social Sciences Vol. 4 Bach, S. (2005), Managing human resources: personnel management in transition. Oxford: Blackwell Freeman, R. and Joel R. (1999), What Workers Want, Ithaca, N.Y: ILR Press Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations" in (1987) Vol.24 Journal of Management Studies Vol. 503 Khatri, N. (1999). Emerging Issues in Strategic HRM in Singapore. International Journal of Manpower Vol. 20 Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, S. and Atkinson, C. (2009), Fundamentals of human resource management: managing people at work. Harlow: Pearson Education.