Ryan air Performance Management
The human resources of the Ryan air company are not seen as a potential source of competitive advantage. The company do not seem to value its people. Ryan air Performance appraisals are a critical link in the HRM process, as they assess how well employees are performing and determine appropriate rewards or remedial actions to motivate employees to continue appropriate behaviours and correct inappropriate ones.
The HRM role in performance appraisal is one of working with other managers in the organization to establish the appraisal process, the performance dimensions to be measured, the procedures to ensure accuracy, and requirements for discussion of appraisal results with employees (Sims 2002)
Rewards can come in different forms no matter the form whether financial, material or rising up the corporate ladder they are all rewards that drive motivation. It is a team effort and once the employer and employee are on the same page both parties begin to benefit. The deal at Ryan air is simple: they are reward employer well for the effort. Where possible, they incentivise people work so the more you work the more you get paid. The company aim to offer competitive salaries with excellent benefits that are simple and easy to understand. Ryan air offer an excellent shore option scheme, which ultimately allows to won a piece of the airline and shore in its success.
* Recommendation
Based on the above analysis, it is highly recommended that Ryanair the performance appraisal process should be continually reviewed in order to ensure that it working successfully, Ryan Air, in its commitment to low-cost airfare has sacrificed its processes and services, but in the future Ryanair will have to think to adopt some effective human resource strategies to make their staff work for them in the long run.
It is clear that