With the massive economic and social changes,, labor problems arose..
• Low wages
• Long working hours
• Monotonous and dangerous work,, and
• Abusive supervisory practices Led to high
• employee turnover,, violent strikes,, and the
• Threat of social instability..
Industrial Relation was formed with a strong problem solving orientation with rejected both classical and laissez Faire solution to labour problems
IR approaches are the solution of these problems. There are number of Approaches of Industrial Relation. Psychological approach to Industrial Relations
According to psychologists, problems of industrial relations have their origin in the perceptions of the management, unions and rank and file workers. These perceptions may be the perceptions of persons, of situations or of issues involved in the conflict. The perceptions of situations and issues differ because the same position may appear entirely different to different parties.
• The general impression about a person is radically different when he is seem as a representative of management from that of the person as a representative of labour
• The management and labour see each other as less dependable
• The management and labour see each other as deficient in thinking regarding emotional characteristics and inter- personal relations.
Sociological approach to Industrial Relations
G. Margerison, an industrial sociologist, holds the view that the core of industrial relations is the nature and development of the conflict itself. According to this school of thought, there are two major conceptual levels of industrial relations.
• One is the intra-plant level where situational factors, such as job content, work task and technology, and interaction factors produce three types of conflict – distributive, structural, and human relations. These conflicts are being resolved through collective bargaining, structural analysis of the socio-technical systems and