Definition of H.R.M:
Human resources may be defined as the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes of an organization's workforce, as well as the values, attitudes, approaches and beliefs of the individuals involved in the affairs of the organization. It is the sum total or aggregate of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents and aptitudes of the persons employed in the organization.
Functions of H.R.M:
In order to achieve the above objectives, Human Resource Management undertakes several activities, following are some of them:
* Human resource or manpower planning
* Recruitment, selection and placement of personnel.
* Training and development of employees
* Appraisal of performance of employees
* Taking corrective steps such as transfer from one job to another
* Remuneration of employees
* Social security and welfare of employees
* Setting general and specific management policy for organizational relationship
* Collective bargaining, contract negotiation and grievance handling
* Staffing the organization
* Aiding in the self-development of employees at all levels
* Developing and maintaining motivation for workers by providing incentives
* Reviewing and auditing manpower management in the organization
* Potential Appraisal and feedback Counseling
* Role Analysis for job occupants
* Job Rotation
* Quality Circle, Organization development and Quality of Working Life
Importance of H.R.M:
H.R.M is very important in organization especially in public sector organization. There are many issues arise in the public sector organizations which need to resolve and HR managers are the person who resolve these problems. In organization there is all kind of people from President to security guard who should be managed properly by someone.