Critically review the situation at RestaurantCo and provide recommendations to the Board on the strengths and weaknesses of it approach to managing human resources。
Due Date: 20 Sept 2013
There are a number of factors that may contribute and affect the success of an organization. It is the money (capital), materials and machinery but it also refers to the people and their knowledge and skills that make the actual difference. Human Resource Management refers to the organizational function that deals directly with employment relationship, (the relationship between the organization and the employee); it covers establishing (recruitment and selection of staff), maintaining (ongoing training, career development and motivation) and terminating (retirement, resignation, dismissal, redundancy and retrenchment) an individual or group of employees (Barrile & Cameron, 2010). This essay will explore the strength and weakness of different styles of managing human resource in an organization, particularly with the case of RestaurantCo, providing possible feedback and recommendations to the Board.
RestaurantCo is a restaurant developed from a small family owned business in the 1960’s and have experienced a period of rapid growth during the 1990’s and have turned from franchised operations to a private owned branded chain large non-unionsied restaurant. Throughout these years, the organisation experienced organisational change and in order to manage the change, RestaurantCo need to manage its human resources effectively and efficiently. (Suter, Je & Marchington,M.2012).
There are two main arguments about managing human resources in most organisations, which are either to be centralised or decentralised. Centralisation is described as the location of decision-making power (Barrile & Cameron, 2010 pp264). A centralised organisation will reserve decision-making power in the