How culture can be used to the strategic advantage of an organisation are problematic and reductionist. Consider the extent to which this is argued from both managerialist and academic perspective and what implications this has for HRS.
In this assignment I have to go through different aspect of culture through which it can be referred that even culture is a strategic and competitive advantage in today’s world because it is hard to imitate but still this strategic advantage can be problematic as there are different issues attached to it and have mainly shed light on these issues from management and Human Resource perspective.
In the start of the assignment Culture is being discussed through different definitions and after that organisation culture is discussed through various definitions and academic literature. Then there is explanation of culture through Schein model of organisation culture.
Later on there is discussion about learning organisation and what are the attributes of learning policies that effect culture within a organisation following by criticism. Majorly criticism is discussed underneath all of the theories and discussion in this assignment
Then there is a discussion related with constraint of Culture relating to organisation strategic advantage which is discussed from managerial and human resource perspective and assignment finishes off with a conclusion
Culture is very important part of a society. It is normally a set way where human beings live their life, where they interact, communicate and behave in a certain manner or set forms of traditions, and normally people learn it from their surroundings. From given below definitions we can see that all these definition almost give the same perspective of culture but with little bit variations
Culture is a thin but very important veneer that you must be careful not to scratch. People from different cultures are