The assignment consist two parts, which are activity 1 and activity 2. First activity will explain in short report factors that affect talent planning as well as recruitment and selection factors that affect the organisations. I will show benefits of recruitment and selection methods. Moreover as the last part of activity 1, induction plan will be provided.
Second part of assignment is group work. This section includes recruitment and selection interview process. We will explain and give examples of personal specification, what are selection criteria and interview questions. Furthermore we will provide letters to appointment and non-appointment.
1.2-4 Factors that affect an organisation’s approach to talent planning.
Laws: Equality Act 2010 might affect the method of how organisation attracts talent. This law protects against discrimination (GOV, n.d.) and has an influence in the way that company creates adverts as well as job description and application forms. Moreover during the interview, it is important to know what question can and can to be used. The law prohibits to ask for example about age to ensure that every person is treated fairly.
Labour market: if new position comes into existence, it gives opportunities to current employees, in particular when some of the position might be liquidated. To some workers new and challenging position could be more curious, which will give chance to grow up. ( Charles, Janet, Donald, 2010:121)
Diversity: lately, the positive effect on approaching talent has an immigration. The level of accessibility and needed knowledge as well as skills has raised. It helped to mitigate the lack of skills. ( Charles, Janet, Donald, 2010:123)
Right work space: The workplace has an important impact that on talent planning, as the environment is productivity. By reconfiguring the space where people work we are able to get better efficiency on bigger group at lower costs. For example, Capital