Dannie L Roettger
HRM 300
November 3, 2015 Sara Yarian
Human Resource Management Overview Human resources focus on the activities that relate to the work force of a company or organization. Some of these related activities encompass the recruiting and hiring of new staff, orientation and the training of existing staff as well as employee benefits and retention. In this assignment we have been ask to answer the questions as follows. What is human resource management? What is the primary function of human resource management? And what is the role of human resource management in an organization’s strategic plan? Our first topic is a description of what human resource management is all about. The function of a human resource manager can be defined as the recruitment of employees, the management of employees, as well as providing direction and training for the individuals who work for the company or organization (Heathfeilf, 2014). Human Resource Managers also handle issues that encompass areas like compensation, training, performance management, safety, benefits, communication, administration, and wellness. Human Resource Managers also offers a strategic and complete method to managing the culture and environment of an organization. Furthermore, successful HRM prepares employees to effectively add to the productivity to the overall direction of the companies’ goals (Heathfeilf, 2014). Now that we have a good understanding of what a Human Resource manager is. We can look at the primary function of a human resource manager. The functions of the Human Resource Management are laid out as primary and secondary functions. The primary functions begin with Human Resource Planning. Human resource planning is built around planning for the present as well as future needs of the organization. This is done by studying the external market and the changes to those markets; human
References: Heathfeilf, S. H. (2014). What Is Human Resource Management. Retrieved from http://humanresources.about.com/od/glossaryh/f/hr_management.htm Perform, M. (2014). Human Resources Role in Strategic Planning. Retrieved from www.cga-pdnet.org/en-CA/pd/Pages/HumanResourcesRoleinStrategicPlanning.aspx The Primary Functions of Human Resource Management. (2014). Retrieved from http:// //samaunvong.hubpages.com/hub/The-Primary-Functions-of-Human-Resource-Management