• History of Human Resource Management
• History of Human Resource Management in Nigeria
Main body
• HRM in Nigeria
• HRM activities in Nigeria
• Problems facing HRM in Nigeria
• Summary of points
Abstract: Human Resource Management is fast gaining popularity and its importance is becoming unavoidable, this is due to the fact that Human Resource Management plays a huge role in the growth of any company irrespective of its size. Unfortunately it is yet to achieve global standards or strategy of operation; this can be attributed to the various differences between environmental factors, employment attitudes, cultural practices, levels of development, information communication, etc in every country or even within a particular country. These factors make each country adapt its human resource management practices to suit their environment. In this light we shall examine the differences in Human Resource Management Practice within Nigeria using culture, Human Resource Management practices and activities within the work place.
According to Stone (2004) ‘Human recourse Management (HRM) is management, but management is more than HRM’, he argues that HRM is the part of management which involves people and improving their productive contribution to the growth of the organization.
HRM is the science, by which firms or organizations create a relationship between them and their employees to achieve organizational objectives. It involves planning, implementation, recruitment, selection, training, evaluating and development of employees to optimize production while also considering their wellbeing and job satisfaction as well as personal development.
HRM involves acquisition, developing, compensating and maintenance of manpower for the purpose of facilitating production activities to meet set company objectives through planned strategies.
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