Culture is present in every organization, and is necessary to succeed in this world. One cannot successfully implement culture into an organization without the proper structure. The leadership of an organization is ultimately responsible for creating the structure. The future of the organization is critical to the structure; if the organization does not have set goals for the future, there is nothing to accomplish or overcome. Rules, policies and procedures also need to be established to set boundaries in an organization. Rules, policies and procedures are set to hold employees accountable and help shape the organizations culture. A positive culture in an organization affects employees in a positive way. A positive organizational culture can result in high morale, less turnover, retention of high talent, employee openness, and higher returns on investments. Human Resources (HR) is an important keystone to an organization. This group is responsible for hiring employees and has a direct impact on the culture of the organization. By exploring organizations like Google, Zappos, Rackspace, one can observe that culture can be similar throughout various organizations. These companies are unconventional and contradict traditional organizations. The employees exercise liberties that some view as unproductive, yet their culture is thriving. Apple, on the other hand, has a more strict culture and has similar results.
The Structure of Culture
Leadership develops an organization’s structure, which in turn defines culture. As the heart of an organization, a leader is responsible for envisioning the future of an organization along with its foundation, determining and developing its core values, and combating everyday challenges posed to any organization.
Leadership must envision an organization’s future; define a clear strategic vision, and select a mission. One key role in building culture is envisioning a future for the
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