In this chapter, we discussed the various elements of human resources management. Also the review of some existing literature relevant to the study, is made to refer to some scholars work related to the topic under study.
It has been a general agreement that training and development is a good thing and that it increase productivity, but the question is “how much? It is even difficult to show causal link between HR development and national /organizational performance partly because pay off from development may not be seen in the short term. It is also difficult to tie-down performance improvement to the development itself and to understand the nature of the link. For example, is performance better because of increased or different HR development, because the reward package has improved or because we have a clearer set of natural, organizational and individual objectives? If there is a link with HR development initiatives, Is it that nation’s human resource i.e. employees have better skills, or that they are better motivated, or that they have been selected from a more able group of candidates/ employees attracted to the organization as it offer high level of development?
The quality of welfare and training given to the local government personnel has significant impact on their operational efficiency and behavioural integrity. Therefore, the government through the Local Government Service Commission should give serious attention to the provision of appropriate and adequate welfare and training of the Local Government personnel.
Ojofehinti (1992) stated that the subject of management of human resources in the civil service is the priority of management practitioners especially the bureaucracy. An organisation, the civil service included that does not recognise the crucial role and importance of the people within it will not achieve its objectives.