The various HR and employment relations issues as depicted in the case are: * Regular absenteesm by Ms Philander * Poor performance which has affected productivity * Disclossure of confidential information * Description based on health reasons * Lobour dispute which has been registered by the Union
HIV/AIDS is a nationwide wide epidemic and affects individuals, the government and society as a whole. The story is about Labour Industrial Relations between Martha Philander, an employee at a fast food franchise and her supervisor. It shows how employee, employer relations van be destroyed by ingorance. According to recent survey conducted by the Society of Human Resource Management, employees are more likely to trust theire supervisor or manager than they are to trust the senior leaders in the organisation. Nevertheless, experts encourage leaders to work on building trust. The Namibia labour Act Policy on HIV/AIDS protects the rights of employees against any form of description. The National Policy on HIV/AIDS was designed by the Government of the Republic of Namibia, as a guide to the public and Private Sector on how to deal with HIV/AIDS at the workplace.
Some of the objectives of the Policy is to: * Facilitate the reduction of stigma and discrimination against people infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS * Ensure that people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS enjoy equal rights in a culture of accepted and opennes.
It is clear in this case that Ms Philander is a sick employee. Even though her absenteeism has affected her performance, she has followed the Labour Act by ensuring that she produced medical certificates whenever she was sick. This in accordance with the Labour Act No.11, 2007 Labour, (section 24). Even though her performance has been
References: 1. NM. Selwyn, Law of employment (2000), Butterworth publishers, Durban 2. J. Haubas, Human Resources Management (2011), Center for External Staudies, Windhoek 3. Robbins, S. P. (2003). Organisationalbehaviour: global and Southern African perspectives. Cape Town, Pearson Education South Africa. 4. PS. Nel; PS. Van Dyk; GD. Haasbroek; HB. Schultz; T. Sono; A. Werner, (2004), Human Resources Management, Oxford University Press, South Africa 5. Government Gazetteof the Republic of Namibia (No.3971)-No.11 of 2007: Labour Act, 2007 6. Affirmative Action (Employment) Act, 1998. No. 29 of 1998 7. HIV/AIDS and the Law. A Resource Manual. 2003. 3rd Edition. AIDS; Law Project and the AIDS Legal Network.