Dell computers was formed by Miacheal Dell while e wwas still a college student. Dell is one of the most successul companeis mostly due to its direct ,arketing strategy. Dell sold directly to o cstomers and he built PCs according to customers specification, this direct model strategy has not change althogh it was modified and refined as the company has grown over the years.Cuustomer relation managment plays a critical role in every organisation as such CRM repersent a firms's valuable asset, company have realised that for enduring competive advantage realtionship with cutsomers is important.
According Laudon annd Laudon (2012:53)
Firms use customer relationship management(CRM) systems to help manage their relationships with their customers. CRM systems provide informationto coordinate all of the business processes that deal with customers in sales, marketing, and service to optimize revenue, customer satisfaction, and customer retention. This information helpsfirms identify, attract, and retain the most profitable customers; provide better service to existing customers;and increase sales.
In the case study of Dell we note that Dell was selling direct to its customers, for Dell to be able to sell to achieve thise direct strategy they had a Customer realtionship Management system in place.
CRM involvs data colection Dell's CRMM helped them to obtain detailed knowledge about its customers. The knowldge obtained about customers alows Dell identify the needs and wants of its customers more effectively so they can fully understand the customers requirments and offer the right products. Dell was able to respond to trends as early as posible before any competitors could come and offer the product.
CRM allows a cross -seeling of other products by highlighting and suggesting alternative and enhancements.
When all customer's data has been captred, it is then used to facilitate customers services transaction by