BSHS/322 Communication Skills for the Human Service Professional
Human Service Scenario Analysis My client is a 32-year-old woman named Sonya. Sonya‘s heritage is multicultural as her mother is Hispanic and Caucasian and her father was Afro-American. Sonya identifies herself as an Afro –American raised by a white middle-class family. Green (2008) states, “Historically, biracial individuals have been portrayed as lost souls…” (p. 39). Sonya is among a group of individuals who Andrea Catherine Green referred to as the Grey Girls in the title for her dissertation for her Doctor of Psychology degree. Unaware that the effects of living as a biracial were severely eroding her daughter’s self-concept, Sonya’s mother thought that she was a typical teenage girl.
Case Scenario
Because of abuse that Sonya’s mother suffered at the hand of her husband, her mother has nothing to do with Sonya’s father, so Sonya has never known him. Sonya’s efforts to locate her father have been to no avail. This bothers Sonya because she always wanted to know her relatives from her father’s side of the family. She wants family members more like her so she can relate to them. Sonya’s mother remarried when Sonya was seven, and her new stepfather was a big influence on Sonya’s life up until her mother’s divorce from him when Sonya was 17. Sonya resents her mother because of all the time she spent taking care of her younger brothers so that her mother and stepfather could work. Sonya thought it unfair that at times she could not participate in activities with teenagers her age because of her babysitting duties. Sonya spoke of her depression throughout junior high and high school. She says the depression never left her. A referral came from Doctor Kelvin Krank, Sonya’s family doctor, expressing concern over Sonya’s depression and her health. Doctor Krank disclosed that Sonya had health issues directly associated with alcohol abuse. During her
References: Green, A. (2008). Grey girls: Biracial identity development and psychological adjustment among women. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Social Sciences. Retrieved May 28, 2012 from: Lusk, E. M. & Taylor, M. J. & Nanney, J.T. & Austin, C. C. (2010). Biracial Identity and Its Relation to Self-Esteem and Depression in Mixed Black/White Biracial Individuals. Journal Of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity In Social Work, 19(2), 109-126. Doi:10.1080/15313201003771783 Murphy, B. C., & Dillon, C. (2011). Interviewing in action in a multicultural world. (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Cengage Learning