Gregory Crutchfield
University of Phoenix
Advocacy and mediation
Ursula Davis
October 31, 2011
Advocacy in the Human Services Field
Human Services help provide essential resources for those in need. Dedication by advocates and human services workers help assist a wide range of social needs. Areas of focus are mental/physical control, self-sufficiency, and rehabilitation. The professionals that make up the human services industry are unique, their passionate about helping others. When working with clients it’s important to gain trust and relationship building is a must. Familiarity will help produce everlasting bonds and increase overall client progression. I am passionate about raising the awareness and help prevent the revolving door of men going in and out of prison.
The picture is very predictable as it is distressing about the revolving door of men going to prison. Once these men leave prison they come home with few new positive or marketable skills and more bad habits than they had before they went to prison. They have little supervision, which will show encouragement to these men that someone will hold them accountable to make sure they are during what they are suppose to be doing. These men have a hard time finding gainful employment that they can take care of themselves. As a result, they fall back into the same behaviors that sent them to prison in the first place. Rather we believe this or not, the prison system is not to rehabilitate people, it is there to punish people for braking laws. All of this leads to high rates of recidivism and a virtual revolving door, with people going back into prison almost as fast as they leave it.
Be able to be a good advocate you have to be able informed those who don’t really know what it is you stand for. As an advocate about the resolving doors of prison I have to be able to present facts about why this happening to these men and what it is I can do to