October 29, 2014
Cohen, Lawrence J., Susan Roth. Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology: The Psychological ……Aftermath of Rape: Long-Term Effects and Individual Differences in Recovery (2013). …….Retrieved October 20, 2014. http://guilfordjournals.com/doi/abs/10.1521/jscp.1987.5.4.525
This article discusses briefly on the long term affect to rape victims. A questionnaire was given to 72 rape victims who had been raped sometime in the last eight years. Each woman filled out the questionnaire and after all the information was piled together and statements were released based on the findings. The main point that was found was even after many years, the victim was still extremely traumatized. Many symptoms were shown for various psychological problems for the victims. What was also found was the victims reacted and coped differently, factors that affected this were age, time since rape, force used, prior sexual assault history, and others. Another factor that was shown was that people reacted differently by how fast they were able to tell someone else about the incident and how long after the incident were the police contacted. The victims were observed to see what were some social and psychological problems they were having so people could try to help them and future rape victims.
RAINN (Rape Abuse Incest National Network), Effects of Sexual Assault (2009). Retrieved: …….October 20, 2014.
RAINN (Rape Abuse Incest National Network), Effects of Sexual Assault (2009). Retrieved: …….October 20, 2014. https://www.rainn.org/get-information/effects-of-sexual-assault
In this article the website lists a variety of different psychological effects of sexual assault. The article lists eighteen different effects. Underneath each effect a little description is given about that effect. You can also click the effect and it goes into further detail. Some have charts explaining to you factors with the