Chandler, B. J., Brown, S. (1998). Sex and relationship dysfunction in neurological disability. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 65, 877-880. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.6 5.6.877
Researchers Chandler and Brown (1988) conducted a study to see the relationship between neurologically disabled individuals and their experienced sexual relationship problems. Primarily focused on dyadic relationships, this research further sheds light on service providing for affected individuals. A 6 months continuous study was conducted on 70 individuals who were either married, cohabiting or living alone at Hunters Moor Regional Rehabilitation Centre located in Newcastle upon Tyne. Multiple standardized tests to assess cognitive, sexual and psychiatric functioning including, sexual functioning, disability level and current relationship were used. The results showed a wide variety of diagnosis amongst individuals tested. Additionally indicated slightly more than half (51%) had experienced change in sexual functioning and almost a third (27%) of those were highly concerned about this change. Gender was highly associated with concern about sexual functioning, as men were much more concerned. The correlation between sexual dysfunction and duration of illness strongly predicted relationship dissatisfaction. Researchers also suggested that concern is a desire to seek help and so more than one in four required help for sexual dysfunction. The outcome of this study implied sexual dysfunction can predict difficulties within a relationship and the dyadic relationship is an important aspect in managing disability. Further suggesting services designed to address sexual health should also consider and integrate relationship issues when seeking solutions.
Reflective Journal
Introduction to topic: Human Sexuality and Disability
Sexual health is an important aspect of all human beings. Dr. Mona (2011) noted disabled individuals may not fit into the typical