The issue of slavery in America is a vastly documented phenomenon that captivates the interest of nearly everyone with a slight interest in history. It is a dark and fascinating subject yet still an overlooked part of our young nation’s history. Though there are countless books and articles written on the topic, few provide such compelling and brutally truthful accounts of the hardships endured by slaves as Harriett Jacobs in Incidents of a Slave Girl. Within this novel, she attempts to describe her situation under the laws dictating her life as a slave. She writes as to persuade the reader not to judge her as she tells them all she has bared in her life. As a young girl when she became a slave, she was subject to harassment, particularly by sexual means, more so than her male equals. Through the course of her book, Jacobs describes her predicament and attempts to survive and surpass it.…
Answer the following: Which value system or systems discussed in the text do you most relate to? Explain your answer with at least a 200 word count.…
The article that I have picked to write about is “ Couples and the Male Birth Control Pill: A Future Alternative in Contraceptive Selection,” from the publication of The Journal of Sex Research. Written by William Marsiglio and Elizabeth G. Menaghan. First, the article focuses on male oral contraceptives, as to where the studied is conducted based on married couples selected from a newspaper. Secondly, the survey was put into two categories husbands that believed the woman was responsible for taking the contraceptive and husbands that would be opened to taking the responsibility of taking the contraceptive pill. When the researchers sent out the surveys they also included the diversity and when was the couple married and if they were expecting a child soon or not. Researchers, input the data making predictions throughout the years since the idea began in 1975-1980. In their data they included the sex roles of husbands more than wives. They also included spouse’s attitude towards the contraceptive, the method, and responsibility of the wife, and the concerned with the chemical reaction of the contraceptive. Finally, the article also mentioned many different hypothesis during the process of the surveys and the analysis of the year and male preferences towards the birth control. The results were the couple that had equal sex roles favored the idea of male birth control.…
It’s a Quick Way to Get What You Want”: A Formative Exportation of HIV Risk Among Urban Massachusetts Men Who Have Sex with Men(MSM) Who Attend Sex Parties was an article retrieved from the AIDS Patient Care and STD Journal it was published in October of 2010. The authors of this article are Matthew J. Mimiaga, Sari L. Reisner, Sean Bland, Kevin Cranston, Deborah Isenberg, Maura A. Driscoll, Rodney VanDerwarker, and Kenneth Mayer. The main focus of the research was to investigate the HIV sexual risk behaviors of MSM who reported attending and/or hosting sex parties in Massachusetts in the past 12 months. Men who have sex with men at these sex parties are at greater risk of receiving HIV or an STI due to the fact there are other factors involved like alcohol, drugs, higher mean of anonymous partners, and unprotected sex(Migiaga, 2010). This study took place at the Fenway Health a health care and research facility. There were 40 preselected participants who completed an in depth, semi structured qualitative interview and an interviewer-administered comprehensive quantitative assessment series for a hour and a half. The study/interviews were conducted by one of two trained interviewers. That asked questions like… How would you define a sex party? When did you begin hosting/attending sex parties? Describe the sex parties you attended/hosted? Are condoms and lube available at these parties? What kind of sexual behaviors do men engage in and what HIV and STI risk behavior do you see happening? Do you participate or organize these parties? Any rules involved in your parties? While asking these questions they also assessed psychosocial factors like depression, anxiety, problematic alcohol used and history of drug or alcohol abuse, and the trauma history (like childhood sexual abuse). Results/conclusion of the study suggested that the men who attended these parties are at great risk of…
Lately, there has been a surge of bills throughout the nation regarding homosexual rights. In Texas and Alabama, either the House or the Senate decided to "narrow their rights." On the same day, Connecticut became the first state to approve "marriage-like civil unions" without a court order. Vermont and Washington State remain relatively torn, but the pending bill in Washington regarding equality for gays in housing, insurance, and employment was rejected by the Senate by a 25-24 vote.…
My current event is about how AIDS is the top cause for deaths in young women. In its first study of women's health around the globe, the World Health Organization said that the AIDS virus is the leading cause of death and disease among women between the ages of 15 and 44.Unsafe sex is the leading risk factor in. Throughout the world, one in five deaths among women in this age group is linked to unsafe sex, according to the U.N. agency. The data were included in a report that attempts to highlight the unequal health treatment a female faces from childbirth through infancy and adolescence into maturity and old age. WHO Chief Dr. Margaret Chan noted that women enjoy a biological advantage because they tend to live six to eight years longer than men. But in many parts of the world they suffer serious disadvantages because of poverty, poorer access to health care and cultural norms that put a priority on the well-being of men, she said. Chan called it a "preventable tragedy" that nearly 15 percent of deaths in adult women occur in maternity, according to the statistics from 2004.…
The article “When evidence is a crime” by Elizabeth Goitein is a case study about a Federal court decision to uphold the “don’t ask, don’t tell policy (DADT)” and violation of The First and Fifth Amendments. The court decision in “Holmes vs. California Army Nation Guard took place in 1997, which was fairly recent after the decision by former President Clinton who implemented the “Don’t ask Don’t Tell policy”. The case study argues that the continuing to ignore the rights of Homosexuals in the courts will result in a trend of continued dismissal of Homosexual rights in the Armed Forces; specifically the First Amendment. This case was published in the Yale Law Journal in 1998 which Goitein analyses one specific case’s violation of Homosexual rights by providing evidence from other similar cases of Homosexual conduct and criminal cases. The Yale Law Journal is the most widely cited and one of the oldest law reviews in the nation. The Journal’s mission is to disseminate legal scholarship to the world.…
A critical analysis of this article received a 31.5. The article was well put together and provided many up to date references as resources to give a better understanding of the research. The authors explained their methodologies in great detail and the production of their data was concise and easy to read. However, the study lacked when it came to representing a diverse population. The study also lacks in terms of providing evidence of the consent of the subjects and the evidence of the governing body of the experiment.…
William and Jessie both 23 years old have been dating for 3 years. They plan to get married in 2 years when they finish with graduate school. About three months ago William had an unplanned and alcohol induced intercourse with a colleague from work. The couple are in counseling and working on issues of trust and communication. Recently, they have started having sexual intercourse. Jessie says she is unable to climax like in the past. William says he is doing everything the same and thinks she still blames him.…
1. (Page.253) “Alphonse didn’t have any problem with me having sex for money. When you’re young, sex doesn’t mean as much, it isn’t sacred. Children make the best prostitutes because they’re the most perfunctory about the whole encounter. The whole act is like a dare, like kissing a frog or something. It’s nasty while it’s happening, but you forget about it soon afterward. And sometimes it isn’t even that nasty.”…
There have been homosexual people around the world since ever, but recently this group of people has increased, or rather, has been shown or has become known when the XXI century came in/ began. They are identically to the heterosexual ones, but just because their sexual preference and gender identity are seen as weird people, even as disgusting individuals according to what I have seen and heard comments about them. In fact, they are referred as non-normal people. An example of this is that when people show love in public, others do not react too much. However, when gays or lesbians do it, are looked by almost each person around them with a weird-surprised or detestable face like if it was a bad action.…
LGBT issues really caught my attention. I was never cared or thought about people are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender until I took this class. What really caught my attention was Paula’s story. That was very touching, and I felt bad for her. And I realized that probably many people have most likely gone through what she went through; especially with your family. Your family are the ones who love you and are always suppose to be there for you and when they are not there for you when you really need them at a time like that.…
Sexual orientation is considered a highly controversial topic in our world today. There are many issues that society has dealt with concerning each individual's sexual orientation. Nowadays, there is different sexualites as well as gender identities that are instantly becoming more accepted and recognized in mainstream society. However despite the changes and more people becoming accepting, there is others people who cannot tolerate the fact that others might not have the same sexual preference as society norms.…
Human sexuality is the capacity to have erotic experiences and responses.[1] A person's sexual orientation may influence their sexual interest and attraction for another person.[2] Sexuality can have biological, emotional/physical or spiritual aspects. The biological aspect of sexuality refers to the reproductive mechanism as well as the basic biological drive that exists in all species, which is hormonally controlled. The emotional or physical aspect of sexuality refers to the bond that exists between individuals, and is expressed through profound feelings or physical manifestations of emotions of love, trust, and caring. There is also a spiritual aspect of sexuality of an individual or as a connection with others. Sexuality impacts and is impacted by cultural, political, legal, and philosophical aspects of life. It can refer to issues of morality, ethics, theology, spirituality, or religion. Some cultures have been described as sexually repressive.…
Discuss how the concept of sexuality has evolved and where it is now. What are some factors that have contributed to our views of sexuality?…