How would you feel to be taken from your friends and family to be sold for sex? To be marketed on street corners and websites? Imagine being drugged and violated everyday and every night, both physically and emotionally, by strangers for on average the amount of 90 dollars. As a state North Carolina ranks 8th in places most likely for human trafficking to occur ( Now ask yourself is the government doing enough to ensure the safety of the general public. Are they doing enough to keep you and your family safe?
Victims of human trafficking are often lured by traffickers through the internet. Found commonly on social networking sites and dating sites. At risk youth (elaborate) and women are often lured with promises of love and a better life. Nationally, more than 200,000 American children are lured into sex trafficking each year ( Human trafficking goes by many names such as child exploitation no matter the label its all the same. Change to such as.
“Charlotte is a potential transportation hub in close proximity to major highways. Traffickers can pick up and go with their victims, making it hard to purse them” ( elaborate the quote . Human trafficking a modern day slavery. Charlotte, a larger city between Washington DC and Atlanta, is particularly vulnerable to becoming a hub for such activities. The average entry age is 12-13 ,so imagine being dragged from your home by the adults you’re supposed to trust. If your child was taken in Charlotte then you would have a very small window to recover them.(elaborate)
Human trafficking is broken down into four major components; Recruitment, Transportation, Transfer , and Harboring. Recruitment