Introduction Human trafficking is one of the greatest injustices on our planet today, and is second only to the drug trade as the largest criminal activity in the world. Human Trafficking is the illegal trade of humans into slavery for sexual exploitation or forced labor. According to the US State Department, an "estimated 600,000 to 820,000 men, women, and children are trafficked across international borders each year, approximately 80% are women and girls and up to 50 percent are minors.” Nearly 2 million children around the globe are currently in forced sexual exploitation. All in all, human trafficking is a serious crime that not many people are informed about. Young woman and children are forced into this sickening business every day. Woman and children living in poverty do not know the meaning of human trafficking due to the lack of education. The highest percentage with people carrying the HIV/AIDS virus is for woman on this planet, many believing part of the percentage is because of human trafficking. Not many woman and children know the risks they are taking when they have no choice but to sell their bodies. Government all over the world should be providing information on human trafficking because no nation is immune from this crime.
Conclusion Human trafficking might not be something we think about on a daily basis, but this crime affects the communities where we live, the products that we buy and the people who we care about. It is now considered as a modern-day form of slavery, although it is no longer upheld by law, which happened in the past, victims are still trapped physically, psychologically, financially or emotionally by their traffickers. However, human trafficking happens