The prohibition of slavery is a fundamental principle of international law, applicable to all countries across the globe. Slavery – when one person is treated as the property of another – is illegal everywhere in the world, yet many people worldwide are subjected to conditions that effectively amount to slavery.
In Germany and Europe, many people live and work in situations of extreme dependency and exploitation, sometimes resulting in conditions akin to slavery. Victims of human trafficking are not only forced into prostitution, but are also subjected to economic exploitation in other branches of industry, such as the hospitality sector, domestic work and home care, the construction trade or the agricultural sector. (Please go to Legal framework for further information.)
There are multiple causes for human trafficking, such as economic inequality between countries worldwide, poverty and lack of prospects in the native countries of trafficked persons, demand for cheap labour and cheap products in Europe, gender-specific violence, discrimination of migrants and restrictive migration policies.
Many, but not all victims of human trafficking are migrants, who often have an uncertain residence status or no rights of residence. Although the majority of trafficked persons in industrial countries are women, men and children are also subjected to conditions that effectively amount to slavery.
QUESTION#1.What is Human Trafficking ?
Trafficking in person is a serious crime and grave violation of human rights.Every year,thousands of men,women and children fall into the hands of traffickers,in their own countries and abroad.Almost every country in the world is affected by trafficking,whether as a country of origin,transit or destination for guardian.
Trafficking in person as the recruitment,transportation,transfer,harbouring or receipt of persons,by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion of abduction of fraud of deception of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or recieving of payment or benefits to achieve person,for the purpose of exploition.
QUESTION#2.Why Human Trafficking is done ?
For the purpose of exploition,which is includes exploiting the prostitution of others,sexual exploition forced labour,slavery or similar practices and removal of organs.
To ascertain wether a particular circumatances constitute trafficking in persons,consider the definition of trafficking in persons protocol and the constituent elements of the offense as defined the relievant domestic legislation.
QUESTION#3.How do we prevent Human Trafficking ?
Scour the Internet for information to equip yourself with the facts;
Memorize statistics about human trafficking to inform your friends and areas of influence. Use social media to spread the word.
Use what you do best to make a difference!
Write a blog; paint a picture, display it publicly; use sports events to raise awareness and funds; write a song; create a short film and post it on www.youtube.com
Two good resources for information and a winning strategy is www.ijm.org and www.polarisproject.org.
Connect with any of the web sites mentioned in this article and find out specifically what they need. Your event could be a walk-a-thon, a 5K run, a musical concert, etc. and conclude the event with a powerful, informative presentation about human trafficking.
Because poverty is a major contributor that can lead to human trafficking, sponsoring a child or woman in poverty-stricken areas that are also ranked as high origin countries for trafficking can help make a difference.
* VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME BY JOINING A TEAM OR FORM A TEAM OF YOUR OWN www.notforsalecampaign.org is a campaign of students, artists, entrepreneurs, people of faith, athletes, law enforcement officers, politicians, social workers, skilled professionals, and all justice seekers united to fight the global slave trade and end human trafficking.
Encourage your local newspaper or television station to cover stories about human trafficking, as well as what your community can do to help stop it. Take the initiative; don’t assume they know the facts. Offer your research to help generate a story that is newsworthy. Ask your bookstores and libraries to carry books like More Than Rice, on human trafficking.
Leave local rescue hotline numbers in public places around your city. For ideas and free downloads visithttp://nhtrc.polarisproject.org/.
Last – but certainly not least – is the greatest weapon known to mankind – prayer. Pray with passion as if one of these victims was your own family.
QUESTION#4.What are the efforts to control the Human Trafficking ?
Philippine Law defines the worst forms of child labor as all forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery,any use of a child in prostitution,a child for illegal or illicit activities and work that is hazardous,including none hazardous categories.The law prostitution,pornography,forcd labor and the recruitment of children into armed conflict.The law establishes the penalty of life imprisonment and a fine for trafficking violations involving children and provides for the confiscation of any proceeds derived from trafficking corner.
Human trafficking is one of the greatest injustices on our planet today and is secong only to the drug trade as the largest criminal activity in the world.
Currently,the Philippines is one of the largest migrant countries in this large migrant population comprises illegal migrants.Some of these are victims of the human trafficking.In spite of the existence of legal channels for overseas employment in the Philippines,intermedians who offer their services for the expeditous but illegal alternatives continue to exist,and this contributes to the problems of trafficking.Victims are subject to contract violations regarding pay and working conditions and deceived about the nature of work they will have to undertake after arrival in the destination country are forced into sexual contact with customers and subjected to varous forms of coercuion,manipulation,physical and sexual assaults.
QUESTION#5.What are the practices to prevent slavery and exploition?
There is a well-documented link between physical poverty, length of education and slavery of all kinds. Poverty makes a child – any person – highly vulnerable to all forms of exploitation.
One way to prevent slavery then is to combat poverty by meeting a child’s basic needs for education, proper nutrition, and health care. This is called holistic child development and the highest rated child development organization based in the U.S. is Compassion International. Their methods are scientifically proven to work.
* Pursue:
End It Movement estimates that there are 27 million men, women and children living as slaves today – “more than at any other time in history.” Of all the organizations pursuing justice – working to free those slaves and prosecute their captors – International Justice Mission has been around the longest (15 years), is the highest rated, most transparent and accountable. And they are effective.
* 3. Provoke:
A translator in the Dominican Republic told me that slavery will continue in that country until “we provoke companies to be fair.” Truth is that every time I buy clothes or produce from companies that do not treat workers fairly, I am rewarding bad behavior. If enough of us stop making slave owners richer they will be provoked to fairness.
Start by buying products that are certified fair trade or come from companies whose manufacturing practices have been independently verified as slave-free. I trust the ratings of free2work.org. Click the image below for their ratings of popular apparel companies. Orgrab their app, scan a product’s barcode, and get the scoop on its manufacturer. (As a general rule, if something is very cheap for us, it likely came at great expense to someone else.)
Prayer doesn’t feel like substantive action does it? But if we believe the words of the apostle Paul, it certainly is.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. -Ephesians 6:12
If you can’t give to prevent injustice or pursue justice. If you’re not shopping today for fair trade shoes or avocados. You can still fight slavery by praying for the global staff ofInternational Justice Mission and Compassion International, for those living in the slavery today, for those enslaving others with their purchasing decisions, for better enforcement of anti-slavery laws already on the books…and that today the thousands putting a red X on their hand will move beyond symbolism to substantive action.
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