Human trafficking is a major issue in china and causes destruction of families. China is well known to be the most overcrowded country in the world which is why it is the perfect area to set up a human trafficking "hole". Due to the one child per couple …show more content…
."China is a source, transit and destination for men, woman, and children who are subject to trafficking in person..." (country narratives. Tier 2 watch list). The type of people who become victims are usually in a desperate and vulnerable position in which they have no other choice but to trust their trafficker. The trafficker always promises the victims a better life. Since the victim is already in their most fragile state the trafficker always takes advantage of this and makes it seem like the victim is doing only what is best. In china, the booming areas where human trafficking mainly takes place is the areas where poverty takes a big role. People in these areas are usually not aware of the this problem due to lack of knowledge brought upon their small town.This is one of the main reasons why traffickers aim at the high poverty rate areas. People who fall victims are usually young because they are more easier to give in. This means that they are prone to suffer more psychologically and physically. Females in China are at a higher risk due to high demand of brides. These women suffer sexual and physical abuse from their purchaser. No woman should be sold for purposes of pleasuring men. Victims of human trafficking can never live a normal life once affected by this tragedy because they still carry the physical and emotional scars with …show more content…
An average human trafficker makes about $250,000 per victim of the sex trade per year (Pokharna 6). This is one of the biggest reasons why people turn to human trafficking as financial gain. Greed is the biggest problem in the world because that is the main cause of almost every world problem. Human traffickers aim at places with poverty because the residents in those areas tend to want to get out of their situations and want to gain wealth, which traffickers promise them (Admin 1). In China once they turn a certain age they recruit them for military service and in order to get out of it families sometimes sell their own children to traffickers in order to get them out of the military service. These families most likely were not fully informed about the dangers of human trafficking and fell into a trap that they could not get out of. People need to spread awareness of these dangers because you don’t know if you or a relative could fall into the trap that makes you feel helpless. Destabilization and scatter of population increases vulnerability to unfair treatment and abuse in human trafficking (Admin 2). Victims of human trafficking have to live with other problems that human trafficking leaves them with such as post traumatic stress disorder. The victims also have to live in fear of people and sometimes even have to suffer addiction to drugs due to the amount of drugs that were put