Problem: 1. Thailand is a center of commerce + human trafficking is part of trade (in both sexual and labor) A. b/c of the growth attracts migrants from neighboring countries. B. b/c of more independence. e.g. in the case of Burma, military repression. 2. Illegal migration. A. The employers have a chance to force them/ swindle document/ sexual exploitation. Ex. For commercial sexual B. Ethic minorities don’t have legal citizenship. 3. The enticement of the employer in abroad. A. They have a chance to work in abroad that have an attractive advertisement. B. The employers create many liability to obligate them be the labor. 4. Weak law. A. Legislation on trafficking only in women and children.
Solution: 1. Thai gov. has increased measures to help victims of trafficking in all gender + children. A. Protect the foreign victims in Thailand and Thai citizen to get back to their own country. B. Support the female’s victim to participate in the investigation, prosecution of sexual trafficking. * Victims are able to prosecute the employers in Thai courts. 2. Thai gov. gives them the rest + receive psychological counseling, food, and medical care. 3. Thai gov. supports activities to prevent being a victim + give knowledge about sex and labor. 4. The cooperation of the community to acknowledge the human trafficking + to increase the strength of law enforcement. 5. Thai gov. has partnered with several agencies and many countries to arrested the trafficker.
Human Trafficking
1. Thailand is a source of transportation and human trafficking. A developed