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Human Trafficking Paper

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Human Trafficking Paper
Human Trafficking

Briana Howell

Junior English
Mrs. Feit
24 March 2014


Thesis: Because human trafficking is worse than ever and also the fastest increasing criminal industry in today’s world, society needs to address the problem in serious ways.

I. Traffickers A. Child slavery B. Exploitation
II. Lifestyle A. Treatment B. Living conditions
III. Results A. Injuries B. Health

Howell 1
Human Trafficking Every year roughly 100,000 children are kidnapped and brought into human trafficking. This creates them to be opened up to the streets, diseases, and sexual abuse at an extremely young age. Most are used until they have passed from drug overdose or sexual disease. Some get away but most don’t escape because of the danger it will cause or they’ve been in it for so long they believe it is normal. Because human trafficking is worse than ever and also the fastest increasing criminal industry in today’s world, society needs to address the problem in serious ways. Every year thousands of men, women, and children are abducted in violation of human rights. “Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer and harboring or receipt of persons by means of threat and use of force or other forms of coercion.” Human trafficking has three whole elements which are; The Act (what us done), The Means (how it is done), and The Purpose (why it is done). 1,082 cases of sex trafficking and 1,615 of them were child cases, only 361 kids were returned home. If these abductions rise as they are now by 2020 we will have an estimate of 10,000 child abduction cases related to sex trafficking. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 is helping out in preventing child abduction in sex trafficking. It is one of the most effective so far.

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