Human Trafficking is today's modern slavery. It is identified as transporting, harboring or abducting someone without consent; while used as forced labor, sexual exploitation, or supply of body parts ( In 2014, the U.S. Department of State estimated 600,000 to 800,000 adults and kids being trafficked across international borders every year. An average of 90% of victims are female while more than half are specifically intended for sexual exploitation (Davy 2015).
Identifying human trafficking victims is often difficult because of other categories it can fall into, such as smuggling, prostitution, and transnational organized crimes (Doherty 2015). Statistical information about human trafficking is …show more content…
The majority of prostitutes are women and young girls. World wide an estimate of 30 million or more children are in the commercial sex trade (Sex Trafficking Awareness 2008). Young women can be sold for as much as $16,000 to brothel house owners in the United States (Sex Trafficking Awareness 2008). Trafficking for sexual exploitation has created an expanding market all over the world. The sex business has made a large profit on not only prostitution and trafficking, but on pornography, phone sex, stripping, and other forms of sexual media. Erotic businesses that are legal in the United States like strip clubs and the Porno industry have a direct correlation with sexaul …show more content…
Gavireili says, watching porn is like an addiction to some people. The more you watch you build a tolerance and search for more erotic or intense categories. Looking into the topic of paraphilias an individual might have a specific attraction towards violent material, certain ethnicity, children, or other harmful content. Engaging in this material would only perpetuate negative and dangerous behaviors, and increase the demand of supply in these categories.
Trafficking victims come from all over the world especially from underdeveloped countries such as Thailand, China, and Western Africa (Hock 2014). Kids and young girls are often kidnapped or even sold by family members due to high poverty in communities. Seeking a way out of being trafficked or being a sex worker is nearly impossible for individuals to obtain. The crime is not a simple task to address and will grow into greater