Rhetoric as techne-ways of seeing
Todays goals: understand these concepts
Meta- communication in context of class readings
The humanistic subject (in Michael franti’s words, what it means to be a human bein ya’ll)
Rhetoric as techne
Different way of seeing or of pating attention
How this class fits into your education
Meta0communication in context of class readings
Distinguishing between observing and concluding
Using textual evidence to get us on the same page, metaphorically and literally
Ask the most basic rhetorical Qs texts
Who is or are the authors?
What seems to be the purpose?
What audicence or audiences does the author seem to be addressing?
What methods of techniques are use (language …show more content…
We rely on all our senses and then make inferences aristole firm believer they should know of what they speak, make logical arguments, and base their knowledge of their observations of the world, its an art but an art that has a method
protagorist was widely respected for his intellect to rhetoric, was not easily dismissed by style
yes- in encomium of Helen, does gorgia defend the view that speech is comparable to witchcfrator has effects like drugs have on one’s body pg 41 talks about witchcraft yes- Isocrates who viewed himself as the sophist, criticizes sophists in against the sophists
jasinski offers us a broad and narrow definition of doxa narrow=opinion, belieft, uncertain or ambigious topics or realms of experience, appeareance dichotomy plato doesn’t like doxa rhetoric deals with relative circumstances sees cosmos as in flux values styles appearances deals with practicalities the concrete the political deals with exgencies embraces aurality …show more content…
Tries to capture what is appropaitate and oppourtuen moments, what to say at the right time
why is it important to conceive of rhetoric as art, according to poulakos?
To crafit that a has a created element , that you can always adapt and change things
What does it means to say that a rhetor is compelled to speak by a sense of urgency?
What are the meaning of kairos and to prepon and why are they important to a sophistic understanding of rhetoric
Kairos dictates what must be said must be at the right time, to prepon the idea every occasion calls for certain expecations, the diaton the element of the future
What is a consideration of the possible
How is a rhetorician concerned with the possible?
Kairos the oppoturn moment to prepot that appropriate the dynaton the poissble
Yes, according to wayne booth you are a rhetorician
“ a natural contxt of person, events, objects, relationship and exgincey that strongly invites an utterance