Humanitarian Award
(50 points)
Follow the directions in the Student Guide to complete this graded assignment. Refer to the rubric and scoring information on pages 3 and 4 to see how this assignment will be graded.
List the four criteria you have established for the humanitarian award and give an explanation of each.
Criterion #1: __________________________________________________
Criterion #2: __________________________________________________
Criterion #3: __________________________________________________
Criterion #4: __________________________________________________
Evaluation of Possible Nominees
List five possible nominees for the humanitarian award. For each possible nominee, indicate to what extent, if any, he or she meets each criterion.
Possible Nominee
Criterion #1
Criterion #2
Criterion #3
Criterion #4
I Nominate…
The name of the person you nominate to receive the humanitarian award: ___________________________
An introduction for this person that includes an explanation as to what extent this person meets each criterion:
1 point
2 points
3 points
4 points
5 points
The list of criteria and their corresponding explanations does not fulfill the assignment. Content is not developed and ideas are confusing. The content is so inadequate and flawed as to be unacceptable.
The list of criteria and their corresponding explanations does not fulfill the assignment. Content is poorly developed and ideas are confusing. The content fails to address several aspects of the assignment and demonstrates a lack of clear understanding of the concepts and facts. It contains serious flaws.
The list of criteria and their corresponding explanations fulfills the assignment, but content is not fully developed and/or ideas are not clear. The content fails to address all aspects of the assignment and demonstrates a superficial understanding of the concepts and facts. It contains some flaws.
The list of criteria and their corresponding explanations fulfills the assignment. Content is developed and ideas are clear. The content, however, demonstrates a less than thorough understanding of the concepts and facts and contains minor flaws. There is some room for improvement.
The list of criteria and their corresponding explanations completely fulfills the assignment. Content is well-developed and ideas are original and clear. The content demonstrates a thorough understanding of the concepts and facts. It is accurate, relevant, and complete.
Possible Nominees
The table does not include any possible nominees.
The table includes only 1 or 2 possible nominees.
The table includes only 3 possible nominees.
The table includes only 4 possible nominees.
The table includes 5 nominees.
Introduction of Nominee
The introduction does not fulfill the assignment. Content is not developed and ideas are confusing. The content is so inadequate and flawed as to be unacceptable.
The introduction does not fulfill the assignment. Content is poorly developed and ideas are confusing. The content fails to address several aspects of the assignment and demonstrates a lack of clear understanding of the concepts and facts. It contains serious flaws.
The introduction fulfills the assignment, but content is not fully developed and/or ideas are not clear. The content fails to address all aspects of the assignment and demonstrates a superficial understanding of the concepts and facts. It contains some flaws.
The introduction fulfills the assignment. Content is developed and ideas are clear. The content, however, demonstrates a less than thorough understanding of the concepts and facts and contains minor flaws. There is some room for improvement.
The introduction completely fulfills the assignment. Content is well-developed and ideas are original and clear. The content demonstrates a thorough understanding of the concepts and facts. It is accurate, relevant, and complete.
Organiza-tion of Introduction
The text is so disorganized that it is not understandable.
The text lacks clear organization. It is difficult to understand.
The text is somewhat organized but has significant flaws.
The text is well-organized, with only minor flaws.
The text is clearly and logically organized and easy to understand.
Spelling, Punctua-tion, and Grammar
The assignment contains 10 or more errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar.
The assignment contains 7 to 9 errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar.
The assignment contains 5 to 6 errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar.
The assignment contains 3 to 4 errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar.
The assignment contains 2 or fewer errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar.
____ X 3 = ____
Possible Nominees
____ X 1 = ____
Introduction of Nominee
____ X 4 = ____
Organization of Introduction
____ X 1 = ____
Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar
____ X 1 = ____
Total Score:
To calculate the final grade for this assignment, add the scores for each rubric category for a maximum score of 50 points. Notice that you will give greater weight to Criteria and Introduction of Nominee by multiplying the scores for those categories by 3 and 4 respectively. The scores for the other categories are not weighted.