Since the birth of humanitarian intervention theory, Western policy makers have been trying to magnify the understanding of the use of force under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. They prone to take the excuse of "threaten international peace and security" to require the UN Council for voting for some specious humanitarian event, which finally give pass to intervene by military force. When this attempt was unsuccessful, they made unwarranted charges against the Council or simply bypassing the Security Council …show more content…
I think that the most important thing is not who to perform legitimate authority, but the justification and ultimate consequences of humanitarian intervention. In the face of large-scale emergent humanitarian crisis, if the UN Security Council can not reach an agreement, then even volunteer coalition or national organizations can act as a legitimate …show more content…
Africa, such as Somalia, Rwanda, Congo (DRC) and other places are suffering more appalling genocide. Strong selective intervention of the subject by the Western world undermines its moral legitimacy of humanitarian intervention and exacerbates some Third World countries's questions and anxiety. Double standards in the choice of humanitarian intervention subjects erodes the fragile consensus of the international community and enable the practitioners keep a skeptical attitude towards the nature of humanitarian intervention. Humanitarian intervention are gradually reduced to the accomplice of Realism politics, and eventually to be a gloss for large country to promote their own strategic and economic interests. At present, with the intensification of turmoil in the Arab world, the voice of are rising again . Some might say that the motivation of humanitarian intervention is not important rather than the results. But the question is, if not out of humanitarian motives, how to convince the international community to intervene in domestic affairs in the name of humanitarian? Moreover, whether military intervention and the following regime change will produce a better result is unknown, which is demostrated by the history after the Cold War. On the question of military intervention, international community must be