The city became the first important center of the early Italian Renaissance. A) Vienna B) Florence C) Paris D) Rome
Correct Answer(s): B
This artist is celebrated as the designer of the doors of the Florence Baptistery. A) Donatello B) Michelangelo C) Leonardo D) Ghiberti
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Correct Answer(s): D
Brunelleschi's contribution to Florence Cathedral was its famous: A) apse B) crypt C) nave D) dome
Points Earned: 5.0/5.0
Correct Answer(s): D
This Flemish artist painted the portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride. A) Van Eyck B) Massys C) Memling D) Van der Weyden
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Correct Answer(s): A
This Biblical character is the subject of Donatello's famous nearly life-size sculpture (and the first free-standing statue of a nude figure since Roman antiquity). A) David B) Samson C) Moses D) Abraham
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Correct Answer(s): A
The greatest and most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance was: A) Castiglione B) Petrarch C) Alberti D) Leonardo
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Correct Answer(s): D
The Biblical character is one of the subjects in Michelangelo's Pietá. A) Mary B) Sarah C) Martha D) Esther
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Correct Answer(s): A
The strongest criticism of Florentine art was made by: A) Fra Savonarola B) Lorenzo de Medici C) Cosimo de Medici D) Pico della Mirandola
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Correct Answer(s): A
This author of The Prince is considered the greatest Renaissance political theorist. A) Machiavelli B) Erasmus C) Dufay D) Mirandola
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Correct Answer(s): A
In the 1500s, the most important Christian humanist in Europe was: A) Machiavelli B) Dufay C) Erasmus D) Mirandola
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Correct Answer(s): C