arenature or more natural. ³Humans can be part of nature. If we consider ourselves one withthe earth if we respect it well enough, then I consider us part of nature.´ The respondentsoften give illustrations of more natural people like tribes in the Amazon or the Native Americans in Canada. At this point the interviewer confronted these respondents withthe implication of their thoughts. Is one person more part of nature than the other? Based upon their actions? Yet, all these respondents disagreed; ³You can¶t say that somepeople are a part of nature and some aren¶t. («) We are all people and we all do somethingwrong.´ A third doubt on the naturalness of humans became clear when half of the respondentstalked about a fundamental process of disconnection between humans and nature.Especially for the Native respondents this is an important issue:Sometimes, you don¶t think about how we are connected, we become removed from it, wedon¶t have to think about it, we go to the grocery store and buy our food and we don¶t seethe bugs and animals that had a hard time because of what we are doing. We are not doingit ourselves; somebody else does it for us. Many respondents add that this alienation from nature has emerged over time.All Natives, many Buddhists, and some Muslims mentioned that humans could see Godor spirits in nature as long as they have the right eyes. ³Wherever you see, the God iseverywhere, if you know how to see.´ They elaborated on the topic by saying that weforgot how to see. We got further alienated from the original spirit and spiritual contactwith nature due to the development of the human intellect. The Buddhists primarilyemphasized the lost connection with our own original spirit. The Natives stressed thelost connection with the spirits in nature:To us we are told to listen to the water, the fire and we believe that trees can give usmessages and that one time a long time ago the animals could all speak to us and we wouldbe spiritually healthy enough to understand. So we are not as healthy as we used to be along time ago. More on Environmental Psychology Design Product, Home and Work; based on Higher Power The Nature. AJ R Chun PhD Fresno Psychology Examiner Environmental Psychologist/Theologist
arenature or more natural. ³Humans can be part of nature. If we consider ourselves one withthe earth if we respect it well enough, then I consider us part of nature.´ The respondentsoften give illustrations of more natural people like tribes in the Amazon or the Native Americans in Canada. At this point the interviewer confronted these respondents withthe implication of their thoughts. Is one person more part of nature than the other? Based upon their actions? Yet, all these respondents disagreed; ³You can¶t say that somepeople are a part of nature and some aren¶t. («) We are all people and we all do somethingwrong.´ A third doubt on the naturalness of humans became clear when half of the respondentstalked about a fundamental process of disconnection between humans and nature.Especially for the Native respondents this is an important issue:Sometimes, you don¶t think about how we are connected, we become removed from it, wedon¶t have to think about it, we go to the grocery store and buy our food and we don¶t seethe bugs and animals that had a hard time because of what we are doing. We are not doingit ourselves; somebody else does it for us. Many respondents add that this alienation from nature has emerged over time.All Natives, many Buddhists, and some Muslims mentioned that humans could see Godor spirits in nature as long as they have the right eyes. ³Wherever you see, the God iseverywhere, if you know how to see.´ They elaborated on the topic by saying that weforgot how to see. We got further alienated from the original spirit and spiritual contactwith nature due to the development of the human intellect. The Buddhists primarilyemphasized the lost connection with our own original spirit. The Natives stressed thelost connection with the spirits in nature:To us we are told to listen to the water, the fire and we believe that trees can give usmessages and that one time a long time ago the animals could all speak to us and we wouldbe spiritually healthy enough to understand. So we are not as healthy as we used to be along time ago. More on Environmental Psychology Design Product, Home and Work; based on Higher Power The Nature. AJ R Chun PhD Fresno Psychology Examiner Environmental Psychologist/Theologist