3. Humans have increased the carrying capacity of their environment by advancing and developing new technologies. Starting in the early 1700s, humans started to improve technology such as medicine, food, shelter and weapons. Medicine allowed patients with before-fatal illnesses to be treated or agricultural development allowed the capacity and quality of food to sustain. All changes and improvements made enabled humans to increase carrying capacity of their environment.
4. I would predict that the population of Canada would have fluctuating increases and decreases in its population because of the lifestyle changes throughout Canada’s history. Starting in 1946, lasting around almost 20 years, ending in 1965 was the post-war “baby …show more content…
People should be concerned about the world’s doubling time being about 58 years because in Figure 12.5, statistics show that in 2002, the world exceeded its biocapacity by 23 percent. The world is already going over its biocapacity and if the doubling time is 58 years away then that would mean the biocapacity would have to double as well. This is concerning because humans are already going over capacity, so what will happen when humans need double of what they need now? Will there be enough resources left by the time the world hits doubling time? There is only so much people can do to increase carrying capacity, but there is something people can do to reduce carbon footprint.
10. The world’s growth rate has been decreasing since the 1960s when the world’s growth rate was at a peak of 2 percent. Now, in 2017, the work growth rate is around 1.12 percent. Although the world growth rate continues to slowly decrease, it doesn’t mean it will stop to increase. That being said, the population will continue to largely grow, maybe not as much as before but absolutely enough to consistently increase.
12. The estimated ecological footprint per person living in Canada is around 7.5 hectares of land, whereas per person globally an average will use 2 hectares of …show more content…
I would consider food, water and transportation to be the largest components of ecological footprint in most developed countries. Many people with a decent to wealthy income abuse these components often adding to their carbon footprint. People should be more conscious of how much gas they put in to the atmosphere. People need to be more cautious about turning their cars off when unneeded and to use other forms of transportation such as walking or biking when the weather permits. Also, carpooling is another option to help reduce carbon footprint. Why take two cars when you could take one? Finally, it is important to be aware when buying a car, how much gas it uses. Some cars, like trucks for example, can be total gas guzzlers.
People also need to be aware of how much water they waste. There is no sense in taking a 30-minute shower or leaving the tap on the whole time while someone brushes their teeth. On average, it is estimated that a person uses around 80-100 gallons of water per day. A large percentage of this water is used by flushing the toilet and taking showers or baths. Since 2010, the price of water has increased by 30 percent in hopes that people will start to preserve water by raising prices. People should overall be cautious and efficient when turning on any source of