Bibliography: Collins, Suzanne. “Hunger games,” Scholastic, Broadway and New York, 2008. Pages: 356 and 19
Bibliography: Collins, Suzanne. “Hunger games,” Scholastic, Broadway and New York, 2008. Pages: 356 and 19
Have you ever heard the game that you need to fight for life? The game is called Hunger Games, from every districts one male and female from the age 12-18, they get picked by draw lots and you can also volunteers for somebody. After you get picked up, you go to the Capitol and fighting for life and everyone is watching you until the one survivor left. On the game, there is going to be 24 tributes from 12 districts, so this is the hunger games and the story will start.…
Surviving the Hunger Games was difficult enough, but playing the game at a such challenging arena made that task that much harder. Being at that the Capitol, also meant that she alone could not provide for her family anymore. She would have to count on friends in District 12 to help her family out. “Gale will get her the herbs she doesn’t grow herself,...He’ll also bring them game-he and I made a pact about this a year or so ago…”(35). Being the head of the household, and then being ripped away for the family had a devastating effect on Katniss’s family. Being at the capital also meant that that she was always under surveillance, and everything she did was being watched. Every part was her life was under the control of the capitol, and there wasn’t a way that Katniss could fight back. Being a Hunger Games tribute at the Capitol, meant that she had the do countless interviews and win over as many fans that she could. Pretending to be somebody that she isn’t is one obstacle that she will have a hard time…
The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins) focuses on the main character Katniss and her journey to revolt against the corrupt power system of her government the capitol. The ‘Hunger Games’ is a way of controlling those in the capitols power. Comparison “All I can think is how unjust the whole thing is, the Hunger Games. Why am I hopping around like some trained dog trying to please people I hate?” communicates how Katniss feels the Capitol is corrupt and there ‘hunger games’ is a way to exert there power over those they control. Like Katnisse’s viewpoint “Taking the kids from our districts, forcing them to kill one another while we watch – this is the Capitol’s way of reminding us how totally we are at their mercy” reveals how those oppressed by the capitols power realise that their lives are controlled by the capitol and they have no option…
In Catching Fire, all members of the district are forced to be alienated from the capital. The capital alienates all twelve districts from a normal supply of food, resources of living, and especially personal decisions. The hunger games are a constant reminder that the Capital has full control over their lives. To remind them to never rebel against the capital again, they randomly pick a girl and a boy to fight for their own lives. Katniss was forced to go back into the hunger games with no choice of her own. You can try your hardest to win this game but the capital has all control over the ending result because they make all the decisions of the games environment. Even though she was alienated from her destiny, fortunately, Haymitch and a bunch of secret rebellions had a plan for her to survive the games while she was being secretly protected. Because of the fact that no one told her what her destiny was, she had no choice of the resulting life she had to live.…
The Hunger Games The Hunger Games follow the story of Katniss Everdeen of district 12 in a post civil war society presumed to be a very futuristic yet abstract society known as Panem. Every year in this society there is a competition amongst the 12 districts called the hunger games, where two tributes; one boy and one girl, from each district are selected in a random drawing, to compete in a fight to the death as a way of punishing the districts for the rebellion that happened long in the past. This fight takes place over several days, or as long as it takes to finish. The winner of these games brings a great deal of pride to their district as well as securing fame and fortune for themselves.…
This is the story of the 74th Hunger Games and at the center of it is Katniss Everdeen, a resident of the poorest of all the districts, District 12. During "The Reaping", the "Tribute" selection comes to pass and is where Katniss ultimately volunteers to fight after her sister 's name is drawn from the fish bowl. Her male counterpart is the baker 's son, Peeta Melark. Per the rules, only one or neither of these two combatants will ever return to District 12 alive. "The Hunger Games" are treated as just that, games, they are televised in the Capitol and all 12 Districts as people look on, the members of the Capitol cheering along the way and members of each District looking on in sadness as their children are murdered for the satisfaction of the oppressive government. After the tributes are selected they are taken by train to the Capitol. On the train and in the capitol you can see the apparent culture shock in the face of the 2 district 12 contestants. Coming from the poorest district modeled after the coal mining era, where most people live in absolute poverty Peeta and Katniss are taken back by the surplus of luxury and wealth exhibited by the Capitol.…
In the Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen goes into the Hunger Games. She wants to win the Games so she could return to her family. She wins the Hunger Games with Peeta, but she didn't have peace with her family…
Imagine the cruelest form of a dictatorship you can think of, randomly selecting two young and innocent children per state from their families and friends. This is the corrupt and power-obsessed capitol. The capitol forces 24 children, 2 from each district to get put into an arena where they must violently fight to the death; there are 12 districts. This is called the hunger games, a “celebration” rather than a punishment to remember the 13th district that attempted to overrule the capitol, therefore, destroyed. The treacherous and notorious hunger games are nationally televised to all the districts as a lesson and are an amazing and honorable task to the people of the capitol. When Katniss Everdeen’s sister is randomly selected, Katniss takes her place in the games and wins. She is then reselected back into the games…
Throughout The Hunger Games series, there is a huge shift in the main character Katniss Everdeen. In the first Hunger Games movie, it introduces Katniss, who grew up in district twelve, the poorest district out of all thirteen. She lived in a place where finding a piece of bread on the ground was like winning the lottery. Once Katniss started to train for the games, people started seeing how talented she is with a bow and arrow, and she started to understand that she has some power over others. By the end of the first movie, Katniss is really starting to understand that she has power, considering the fact that she had won the game. In the second movie, Katniss has been named victor, and starts making her victory tour. As she makes her way around…
Her mother falls into a heavy depression, and she is forced to take care of her six year old sister. . Katniss and her sister are starving, but she learns archery, and hunting in the woods in order to feed her family. Through the hardships of losing emotional contact with her mother, losing her father, and her family being on the brink of starvation, Katniss learns to be caring, yet tries to hide emotions from the ones closest to her. Katniss' mother falling into depression teaches her how to take care of her her little sister, Prim. This illustrates that any hardship can be a tremendous opportunity to learn from. Due to a tragic accident, one can acquire skills as an effect of it. For example, Katniss becomes capable of being responsible for more than just herself, and caring for others. Furthermore, due to heavy oppression from the Capitol, which is the government of Panem, Katniss learns the concept of justice. Katniss developed the skill of rebelling, and rallying others, and she becomes the face of rebellion for the districts of Panem. Katniss becomes a true inspiration for many people, and if Katniss hadn't felt the affects of oppression from the Capitol so personally because of her rebellious act in the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss learns to fight for her family, fight for her life, and fight for what is…
Katniss Everdeen inspires many with her powerful and strong feminine figure in the Hunger Games series. After Katniss volunteers for tribute, Prim, Katniss’ sister who was originally picked to be a tribute, starts screaming and crying. Katniss starts to become emotionally affected by Prim’s cries. Before she could shed a tear, Katniss realizes that “... everyone will make note of my tears, and I’ll be marked as a easy target. A weakling. I will give no one that satisfaction” (Collins 23). Katniss shows her strength and determination to be successful in the hunger games when she notices small details that make…
The Hunger Games is a novel about the "haves" and the "have nots -that is, the people who have money and the people who have money and the people who dont. The capitol has many of it. while the capitol is weathier than other districts, some of the districts have advantages than others. For example they can train there own people to get read and do well int he Hunger Games- a competiton they see as a ay to gain glory and fame. How about the poor districts? Well, they dont have much of an advantage there. District 12, Katniss's District, is an coal minning region that never stands a chance in the games. They view the games as a punishment that must be edured- Something that robs them of their children and family.…
To conclude, The Hunger Games is a dystopian novel acting like a utopian society, which would lead you to think it was a perfect place, yet in the end it is either kill or be killed, so it is far from the perfect place. Katniss sees the games simply as a death…
The root of that prosperity can be found in the world. The root of that…
Katniss knows how to survive and survival is the key factor to winning the hunger games. From the beginning you know that Katniss can hunt and this helps win the hunger games but survival is not just hunting its being smarter than your prey and knowing how to outwit your opponents. When Katniss was dropped into the Hunger Games arena she was one of the best hunters which gave her an advantage because some of the other contestants could not hunt at all. Before the Katniss was chosen to be in the Hunger games she also had to survive by collecting her own herbs and meat to feed her family and in rough times she would be starving and spent some time…