The movie “Hunger Games” is taken place after the apocalypse in North America. Hunger Games is about a violent game between the girls and boys between the ages of twelve and eighteen years old who are forced to enter their name in the system so it can be drawn like the lottery tickets. Their name is chosen randomly like the lottery number, once their name is drawn they have to go and represent the district where they are from and thrown into one big arena and forced to fight each other in order to survive. The capitol has the control all over the districts and restricted their freedom. The rich who lives at the capitol anticipates this game for every year because they see this as the form of televised …show more content…
They have restricted freedom, and the government monitors all of their movement. When I went on a research to find something about the government control in the hunger games, I found something an article from the “In Panem, the concepts of democracy and freedom have disappeared from America to be replaced by a high-tech dictatorship based on surveillance, monitoring, mass-media indoctrination, police oppression and a radical division of social classes. The vast majority of the citizens of Panem live in third-world country conditions and are constantly subjected poverty, famine and sickness.” (What’s Panem?) Only in the movie we see a high tech dictatorship, police oppression, third world country conditions and radical divisions of social classes that we don’t see in United States, however the movie and United States have something in common like surveillance, monitoring our web history, email, and google researches. There is also mass media indoctrination in United States to some extent. The Capitol government in the movie often uses the police force for the people at the district to prevent any more rebellious from the people over at the district. The idea of government control is not only an issue in a fiction movie, it is also an issue in a real life like a recent issues in United States on how Edward Snowden leaks a secretive information on how the government is monitoring our phone and our internet researches. Privacy is something what American values and as American we should care and pay attention to the government reading our email and monitoring us because the government could go to the extreme and we could end up somewhat like the Hunger Games government having to monitor and surveillance their citizens to the extreme .This is the idea of the big brother keeps monitoring of