As we all grow older, there are moments in our lives that are never forgotten. One of my favorite memorable moments was related to reading. A book based movie The Hunger Games taught me that reading can be enjoyable, habit forming and a great way to expand my vocabulary. “The Hunger Games” movie is based on the first book of a trilogy of science fiction novels written by Suzanne Collins. The book and movie are about a 16 year old girl name Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a post-apocalyptic nation called Panem. In the capitol of Panem every year they have The Hunger Games Tournament in which one girl and one boy aged twelve to eighteen from each of the twelve districts of Panem participate in a televised battle to the death. The girl and boy are selected by lottery and compete against each other and with the other selected participants from the other districts. Only one participant can win and he grand prize for winning is their life and a year supply of goods and food to the district the winning participant belongs to. Katniss Everdeen’s sister gets picked in the lottery but she volunteers to take her twelve year old sisters place and fight for her own life in The Hunger Games Tournament. It is because of this movie that I read the three books and now reading is not a problem for me anymore but rather an enjoyable hobby. After viewing The Hunger Games in theaters I was anxious to know what happened next my curiosity got the best of me and I bought the trilogy of books. The thought of buying a book seemed strange to me because I had a negative attitude towards reading for fun or reading overall. My anxiousness to know what happened next changed my mind and I immediately started reading. While reading the books, I realized that there are details in that were not included in the movie. Such details are extra background information on the characters and events that happen between the major scenes. I enjoyed how the writer of the books was able to
As we all grow older, there are moments in our lives that are never forgotten. One of my favorite memorable moments was related to reading. A book based movie The Hunger Games taught me that reading can be enjoyable, habit forming and a great way to expand my vocabulary. “The Hunger Games” movie is based on the first book of a trilogy of science fiction novels written by Suzanne Collins. The book and movie are about a 16 year old girl name Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a post-apocalyptic nation called Panem. In the capitol of Panem every year they have The Hunger Games Tournament in which one girl and one boy aged twelve to eighteen from each of the twelve districts of Panem participate in a televised battle to the death. The girl and boy are selected by lottery and compete against each other and with the other selected participants from the other districts. Only one participant can win and he grand prize for winning is their life and a year supply of goods and food to the district the winning participant belongs to. Katniss Everdeen’s sister gets picked in the lottery but she volunteers to take her twelve year old sisters place and fight for her own life in The Hunger Games Tournament. It is because of this movie that I read the three books and now reading is not a problem for me anymore but rather an enjoyable hobby. After viewing The Hunger Games in theaters I was anxious to know what happened next my curiosity got the best of me and I bought the trilogy of books. The thought of buying a book seemed strange to me because I had a negative attitude towards reading for fun or reading overall. My anxiousness to know what happened next changed my mind and I immediately started reading. While reading the books, I realized that there are details in that were not included in the movie. Such details are extra background information on the characters and events that happen between the major scenes. I enjoyed how the writer of the books was able to