Disaster risk reduction is a very important aspect in disaster management, because without it could lead to significant damage or loss. Cultures have used what they learned from one generation to the next to hand down strategies that are used to survive. Most cultures like to solve their own problems among themselves or their communities on their own. When the Government gets involved with a disaster they tend to overlook the cultural aspects while planning and enforcing DRR strategies (Hoffman 1999; Wisner et al, 2004). This results in foiled government intervention, and this is because they neglected to consider the cultural components of the community.…
Although a culture may present a set of values and approved ways of behaving, individuals may struggle against the values even if they abide by them in their behavior.…
The anthropologist has become so familiar with the diversity of ways in which different peoples behave in similar situations that he is not apt to be surprised by even the most exotic customs. In fact, if all of the logically possible combinations of behavior have not been found somewhere in the world, he is apt to suspect that they must be present in some yet undescribed tribe. This point has, in fact, been expressed with respect to clan organization by Murdock. In this light, the magical beliefs and practices of the Nacirema present such unusual aspects that it seems desirable to describe them as an example of the extremes to which human behavior can go.…
The role of tradition in religion in general. Moral compass to remind self to behave…
traditions seeks a social order of justice permeated by love. Integration of human endeavor represents the crucial…
James Rachels believes that there are some moral rules that are common throughout differing cultures that is necessary in order to make society function properly (Rachels, 23). We should view social customs then in terms of whether or not those moral rules cultural practices benefit or hurt the people that are being affected by it (Rachels, 26). In his paper, “A Defense of Ethical Objectivism,” Louis Pojman provides us with his diversity thesis (Pojman, 39). The diversity thesis simply acknowledges the fact that different societies have different moral codes (Pojman, 39). For example, in some cultures cows are thought to be sacred and not to be touched (Rachels, 21) where in many other cultures this practice would seem strange and they would continue to kill cows for their meat. However, if someone were to examine these two cultures they would find that it is their beliefs that differ and not their values; the cultures in which place high importance on cows may believe that after death their loved ones return inhabiting a cow’s body which reflects other cultures honoring their dead (Rachels, 21). All cultures have respect for some form of deity; Jewish men wear a yarmulke as a way to show their reverence to God when worshiping whereas Christian men remove everything from the head before they go into places of worship (Pojman,…
Additionally, in the writing of C.S. Lewis, he identifies some intercultural, intercontinental and intergenerational values and views of people; from (St.) Augustine to Aristotle and Plato, to Confucius, from the Greeks, Hindu, Chinese, to medieval civilizations. This can be a justification of universal values in which also may be the foundation of ethics. Although that culture have differ in their dresses, preferences, dances, music, and appearances, we cannot denied that across this cultures there essential…
The literature reviewed in the paper fits the argument above whereby cultural values and their…
The word tradition makes everyone think of different things but the true meaning is something that has been established and carried out through time. Author T.S. Eliot once said, “A tradition without intelligence is not worth having.” A tradition is not something people should create without thought, rather it should hold value and meaning; no one should take part in a tradition that lacks good reason because it is a waste of one’s time.…
Customs of the earlier stages of their operation were not tyrannical They were wholesome and salutary. They regulated the life and the habit; of the people of a particular time. Acting in accordance or in conformity with the customs and traditions set up by experienced people, human beings could easily follow the path of progress and advancement.…
Meaning and Dimensions of Culture Chapter 4 Chapter Outline The nature of culture The nature of culture Values and folkways …
Traditions have existed in every society and they have been upheld by the members who worshiped them. Traditions are deeply rooted in culture to the extent that they carry the identity of the society. This case of traditions expressing identity is explained below in the selected texts.…
In every culture, there are different sets of attitudes and values which affect behavior.Similarly, every individual has a set of…
Belief. The way of living. Intellectual refinement. Heritage. Arts. Traditions. These are the pillars of each social group’s core – culture. Across the seven continents on the map lie thousands of this with thousands of distinctions. Among the seven billion people occupying these continents lie the vast selections of cultures that possess contrasting facets. And among us who are here today, ladies and gentlemen, lie our own convictions, cultural belief that differ from each of what we have from the moment we were born. Some are familiar to others while unknown to some. Many are accepted while others are overlooked by the more popular cultures. And these are the pieces we try to fit on the puzzle board – diverse.…
The second thing is about one culture’s values and behavior. We always have to keep in mind two levels of observation: the first is all cultures have values and ideals that their member say are true. In some Western countries, especially in Christianism countries, all of the saying of Parish Priest are true and Christian believers always trust him. This is one of values in Christianism. The second one is that people’s behavior may not always reflect those values. For example, in Vietnam, an going says…